Finals are finally over, grades are finally out, and there is nothing more we can do about the past semester other than pretend like it did not happen. This should be a time to de-stress, but the upcoming holidays bring on a whole new type of anxiety. Here are a few Big Bang Theory gifs that accurately sum up the winter break.
Your parents ask if you are coming home right after finals. I need time to recuperate, party, and prepare myself for life at home.
You spend hours, days, and weeks on a Netflix binge. Someone please save me from myself.
You realize Christmas is nothing like it was when you were a kid. I have to give the gifts, now?
Your family does not understand how time works. If it is before 12 p.m., I do not exist.
Old friends want to reconnect. This may cut into Netflix time.
Friday night means game night. If they only knew what our Friday nights are usually like.
Your parents ask about grades, relationships, and plans for the future. Is it January yet?