Are you in a relationship? Are you at different colleges? Or are you miles apart from each other? How do you keep it going? All these questions come together to help us figure out the best way in keeping a long distance relationship going, and not to give up on each other. Many people do not believe a long distance relationship can be held onto, but I say otherwise. (To those seniors in high school right now, here’s a little note, do not break up with each other unless it just isn’t working out. There is always a way to hold on a solid relationship when you are miles apart.) College relationships can be hard at some points, but you need to remember why you want to maintain the relationship in the first place or why you wanted to be a couple.
I know a few relationships that have crumbled since they are going off to college and believe they should just end it and not work on the distance, but they are looking at it all wrong. Think to yourself about all the good times you had with him/her and ask yourself if you want to give that up. Also ask yourself if you believe that someone else can fit in their shoes and make you as happy as they did. I look around at couples and can tell the weak from strong, but we all need to be strong. Do I like being hours away from my boyfriend? Of course not, but when time stretches out, it makes it so much better seeing him again because I get excited to count down the days.
When you meet someone you know you do not want to let go of, do not, I repeat, do not end it for any reason… especially distance. It can be cheesy to say “distance makes you stronger,” but from personal experience I know it sure does. There are a few things you need to keep in mind while being a part to make sure the distance does not get to you. Trust is a huge part of long distance relationships, you cannot be worried about where or who your partner is hanging out with on a Friday night. If so all you will be doing is worrying for no reason and can lead into a fight if you ask him/her why there was a guy/girl in their Snapchat, unless it shows something not innocent or appropriate, don’t ask, just know that at the end of the night they are sending you a goodnight text with a heart. This enters into the communication aspect. Communication is key, you want to be able to send texts or answer phone calls a day, its good to hear their voice. Though you do not want to be overly commutative, you should not be glued to your phone while your friends around you are trying to talk to you, and your boyfriend/girlfriend should do the same. Adding onto communication you need to make time to visit them whether it is at home or at another school, making time to go visit them reassures them that you are not going anywhere and shows how much you’ve missed them and want to be with them. It is always nice to get a surprise visit too.
From personal experience you need to remember to be positive about everything and have faith in that other person. There will arguments and maybe scream but there will also be days you want to be home together cuddling on your couch. It is a tough thing to overcome but I believe everyone can make a long distance relationship thrive because giving up should not be so easy. If you are considering a relationship or already in one with someone miles away just remember to trust, communicate, and visit each other. All around, maintain an open mind and positivity and do not isolate yourself to your phone waiting for their response, because you’ll see them in no time.