Most people can agree that one of the sweetest perks of being in a relationship is being able to freely hold hands with the one you love and care about. It's a simple, yet cherished gesture of affection that isn't too extreme for the public eye, but still expresses the depth of your feelings for one another. And just how you and your lover hold hands surprisingly says a LOT about your relationship. Check out the common hand-holding habits below and see where you and your sweetheart match up:
1. Holding hands while one of you is driving
There's no one you'd rather venture out on the open road with. Holding hands with your sweetheart as they drive (safely, of course) or with your passenger is a simple romantic gesture that never gets old. No matter how long you've been together, every outing is an adventure as long as you're by each other's sides.
2. Searching for their hand while you're in a crowd
Out of all of the people in a crowded space, you still find yourself searching for that one special person in your life. Whether you're separated briefly at a concert or in the hallways, you're confident that your love is strong enough for you two to always find a way back to one another.
3. Holding hands during sex
You and your significant other definitely emphasize intimacy in your romantic (and sexual) relationship. Although mutual pleasure is a must, there is nothing more important to you both than keeping each other grounded and steady through it all. This demonstration of affection for sure surpasses the "friends-with-benefits" status you may think you still have...
4. Gripping tight onto their hand when you're nervous
Your sweetheart is the first person you seek out when you're stressed or anxious. During these times of worry, reaching for their hand and holding on tightly shows that you can count on them to soothe you and to keep you safe through every challenge you face. Your partner wants more than anything to reassure you of your strength, no matter how weak you feel in the moment.
5. Giving their hand a squeeze before they leave
One last touch before parting ways demonstrates how much you and your significant other cherish the time you spend together. You want to bask in every last second before you have to separate even for just a little while. A squeeze to the hand says, "don't go" and "if only I could have another minute with you." No price tag can be put by either of you on how fortunate you feel to have a relationship so strong that departing for a short time is almost unbearable.
6. Grabbing onto their hands to playfully twirl them in a circle
Love and laughter are extremely important to the health of your relationship. The silliness and smiles that you and your partner share keeps your passion burning as strongly as ever. There's never a dull moment when you're together and that's something you cherish most about the bond you have with your babe.
7. Absently kissing their hand while you're watching TV
It's the small gestures of affection throughout the day that bring the biggest smiles to your face. No extravagant, elaborate date could really compare with a lazy afternoon in the arms of the one you love as you lounge on the couch to watch movies. Soothing cuddles and soft kisses always make for a day well-spent.
8. Grabbing their hand and leading the way
In your relationship dynamic, one of you may have the tendency to be a bit more dominant than the other. You or your partner are driven largely by confidence in where you're going and how you're going to get there. You're not afraid to show the world that you're together and display your love for everyone to see and admire.
9. Walking with your fingers intertwined
Whether you're walking along a familiar path or are exploring someplace new, one constant that will always stay the same is the connection shared by you and your significant other. Your sweetheart shares your zest for adventure and encourages you to leave your comfort zone behind— which you can do easily since you know you'll never be alone.
10. Falling asleep with your hand on top of theirs
In your opinion, ending your day with your special someone is ending your day in just the right way. Nothing can rival the comfort and safety that you feel as you share a bed with the person you love most. And you want to live in this moment forever, or at least for as long as you can, so you hold their hand tight to keep them from slipping away.
11. Running your thumb along their palm and their fingers
There is nothing quite like feeling your partner's fingers gently stroking over yours to reassure or comfort you. You would both do everything in your power to ease the other person's nerves— and sometimes all it takes is a feather-soft touch to calm and soothe. The love you share is often best expressed in simple, innocent gestures of sweetness and kindness.
12. Clasping both of their hands with one of yours
Your partner can always count on you to help them keep a brave face when they need it most. It's instinctual for you to take both of their hands in one of yours when they are about to hear bad news or are coping with a lot of emotional strain. And they appreciate your fierce loyalty and devotion for how it supports them through the good and the bad times.
13. Holding hands under the table
Maybe you're a new couple and aren't quite ready to put your relationship on the spot in front of others. Or maybe your relationship is being kept on the down-low for now and is a secret from most of the people in your life. Holding hands where no one else can see can also reflect your desires to keep your love life private from the public eye. PDA just might not be your style, and that's totally okay.
14. Reaching for your partner's hands right before a kiss
In your relationship, one or both of you is quite the romantic. Every kiss is cherished and you strive every time to make it every bit as special as the first you ever shared. Pulling your sweetheart in so they can gaze into your eyes just before your lips touch never fails to make your heart skip a beat. You sink into every moment and treasure it as though it could be the last.
15. Holding hands while running
You and your sweetie have found that challenges and new places are best conquered together. That's why you're pulled down the same paths and crave the same adventures. You face the unknown with your hands clasped and with a shared excitement for what's to come down the road. Rather than tear you apart, new discoveries bring you even closer together.
No matter how you and your lover express your affection for one another, know that these simple gestures say a lot more about the feelings you have for each other than you'd think.