I was blessed with the opportunity to not only know my grandparents, but also my great grandfather. My Poppop taught me so much in the nineteen years that I knew him. He taught me to love my family unconditionally, and that it is okay to mess up sometimes. I learned that having a great sense of humor makes someone's personality so much better. He taught me to continuously lean on God, and not to give up on Him. He also taught me not to go ride a snowmobile to Canada when I am 80 years old because I will probably flip it like he did.
Grandparents, and great grandparents, hold a special place in each of our hearts. They love us unconditionally, so much that sometimes we believe that they love us more than our parents. They give up so much to make us happy, and in return all we want is for them to be happy. So losing a grandparent, or great grandparent, takes a huge toll on us. We hope that they are in a better, like way-way better place, but that leaves us in a worse place.
The morning that my great grandfather passed I was in complete shock. My dad shook me awake around 7:30 a.m., and at first I was mad because I really like my sleep. However, when the words "Poppop passed away" came out of his mouth, I was instantly filled with regret. As I cried into my dad's shirt all I could think of was that I should have visited him more, I should have done this, or I should have done that. That day was one of the hardest days of my life.
I think as we grow older we start to take time for granted. We push off things that should be done tomorrow or the next day, and we do not think twice about it. I hate that I pushed off visiting my Poppop everyday this past summer thinking "I will have enough time to do it later," little did I know that I did not have as much time as I thought I did.
I am still learning from my Poppop, even today. Since his passing I have learned to trust God even more. I have learned to do the important things first and not to leave them to a day that may never come. Most importantly I have learned not to take my Poppop's advice lightly. He told me, before starting my freshman year of college, "Hold your head high and keep walking." I used to take that as do not let things get to you, or keep your head up and do not be upset. Now, it means something totally different. To me it means there will be better times coming for me. I know that when God calls me home I will be right next to one of the most influential men in my life.
I encourage you all to think about that phrase and figure out what it means to you and your life.
Hold your head high and keep walking.