Broken Millennials,
Nov. 9 is a day that will be engraved in your memory for the rest of your life. This day has symbolized the nature of our nation. And I, like you, am grieving deeply for the loss we suffered and the many more coming our way. I understand that you are broken, and the vessels we call our bodies are cracked, the rage and the mourning are leaking out and poisoning the streets. The fear plagues those of us exiled in our own country by men and women blinded by hate. We are all staring at our feet, eyes glazed over with heartbreak because we never knew how much love had been lost in this country.
I want to be one of the first of those to tell you to unclench your fists and rest your hearts. The anger in us can fuel the world but it will never keep us warm. Throughout social media I have seen war declared among us and I can’t help but pity those who think bloodshed is the answer. Haven’t we had enough blood spilled in our neighborhoods? How many more mothers are going to clutch their children’s dead bodies left cold on the sidewalks? How many more students will suffer under the bullets of those who have made themselves shot callers and called the shots on our friends and families? How many more people do we need to force to wash their temporarily blood stained hands from their permanently dark skin? You want to lead so desperately, you want revenge, you want no mercy given, they took everything from you. And now is the time to return the pain. The government, you say, doesn’t give a shit about what you want, they can’t hear your voices through the fat wads of cash that helps them sleep so soundly at night. Enough is enough right? This is your revolution right? Kill or be killed?
No. No more death. No more blood. No more lives clinging on to a frayed thread. We are supposed to be in this to protect the ones we love not expose them to harm. The day Donald Trump became president is the day we all remembered to lock our doors at night and stay inside after the sun dipped below the horizon. It is the day we can also realize he cannot control us. He is not a dictator or a king. There is no absolute control in these states. Whatever he does we will take apart piece by piece until we find the parts that accommodate us best. We have a voice. Don’t lose it, screaming for vengeance and advocating death as part of your “rebellious tantrum.” Speak clearly and eloquently. So everyone who assumed you are nothing but an ignorant, uneducated, alienated, immigrant can at least get a clear understanding of the point you make. And if they don’t want to listen gather your voices and unite them. A democratic government in it’s true nature cannot ignore its people voices especially when they become one clear and strong voice.
The love we have for our brothers and sister outweighs the hate we have for those who’ve killed them a thousand times. Hate doesn’t bring back the ones we have lost. It does not soothe the wounds deep inside of you. It burns like fire and only escalates the greater loss. Have trust in what you believe in. have trust in yourself. You are not a statistic you are not forgotten. As long as you have a voice, speak. They can never take that away from you. And in the honored words of Martin Luther King Jr., “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
-Your Fellow Healing Millennial