Homecoming is a high school dance that happens around the beginning to the middle of October. A lot of things happen at homecoming, most things good and of course some things not so good. Every year is not the same though, which is pretty interesting to know. It is good to know for improvement purposes and even just for feedback.
Hoco 2k15 v. Hoco 2k16
Of course I could not ask enough people this question and record their position considering the amount of people that actually go to homecoming... so I took to Twitter.
According to this poll 64 percent of 55 votes say that 2k16 was better. This could mean that maybe every year is better, or that it is just some things that Hoco 2k16 had that the previous one did not. 32 percent were, or could have been, on the NO side (16 percent of them did not go). Only four percent said that they both were the same, so pretty much it was not so similar at all.
Why was it Better?
The 2017 through 2020 high school generation is the most chill, social, and fun generation, in my opinion (can not speak for the rest).