I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a religious person.
I still find a way to say a prayer before I eat and before I sleep from time to time, but I haven't been half-asleep through a church service since age twelve. I was even baptized as Roman Catholic, but nothing really happened after that.
I mean, yeah, I'll go to the Christmas Eve midnight sermon on occasion, or maybe even the one on Easter Sunday. Outside of that, I'm nowhere to be found close to a church, except for maybe walking by one on my way to school.
I had other priorities growing up. Coming from an athletic family, Sunday always meant hockey. There wasn't time for church, much to my mother's opposition. I do remember attending Sunday School one day, and I honestly couldn't help but laugh and then feel embarrassed the entire time. I didn't care about Moses being able to part the Red Sea. I just cared about eating the free food at the end of the service and crossing my fingers I wouldn't have to go ever again.
At eleven years old, I found myself attending the Christmas Eve service, the adult service, and the reverend basically declared that Santa wasn't real, and the entire service had an uproar of laughter. It was certainly tough, considering
My birthday is on Christmas.
I had to put that one behind me as soon as possible, and just pretend like I didn't hear any of it the next day. I still see the reverend on a frequent basis, and you can guess what thought always comes back.
As I'm nearly twenty years old and haven't affiliated myself with any one religion, I find it tough to start now. Yes, peers, I know that it isn't too late to start. Realistically though, I can't foresee my college-kid-self pulling himself out of bed to go to a church service, only to fall asleep again in one of the surprisingly comfortable pews.
Honestly, I'd like to start at some point. I've always thought there's a God somehow, somewhere. I just don't know which God, what He looks like, or where He exists. I feel like I should be Roman Catholic (technically I am), but I'm not set on that.
Who really knows?
What I do know is that Hockey is on Sunday, and I'm sure Lord Stanley would be proud.