As the name suggests, this book that was just recently published, for which I am the Senior Editor, highlights and identifies the parts of our education that are connected to humanity, such as the students themselves.
HME does a great job at identifying the problems in our society with respect to stereotypes based on gender, race and class that students across the country may experience. This Volume I of an ongoing production of HME is an effort to bring about social change among educators, parents and students themselves.
Artist: Luke Gelfman, 2015.
I am very proud to have been a part of this project. It all started back in October, but was published just recently this past week. The production and creation began with just a simple idea that we wanted to pay homage to our generation for our leaders, whoever they may be, to look at. Also, to set an example for how we want to be seen; to dispel the rumors and stereotypes to which young adults may be subjected.
As the project began, we felt it to be necessary to include all of the students from our Writing and Critical Inquiry professor's classes. Lisa Arrastia has 53 students in total. 53 students, then, were showcased. Information, pictures, passages and personal 'autoethnographic' essays were compiled from all 53 students to assemble this Catalogue. When all is said and done, we have 80 marvelous pages, and were hoping to inspire future classes to do better than us. Despite inheriting unfortunate world and domestic situations, for which we have to handle, it is still in our control how we wish to be seen by the world; that is half the battle, in my opinion.
Charles H. Cooley once said, "I am not who you think I am, I am not who I think I am. I am who I think you think I am."
Think about that as you go to sleep tonight, and remember, you're only as strong or weak as what you put out the world. That is not me saying be someone you're not. Not even close. It is me telling you to embrace who you are at the most personal level. Only then will your true colors fly. and only then will you make a positive impact on the world.
Once more, I found this project to be fulfilling and respectful to my generation, but we're not done making our mark. Not even close.
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