A first grader sitting in a classroom of 23 students with one teacher. That is 24 hearts in just one small room. Throughout the halls are many other hearts. Each heart was a life - a life that would forever be changed.
I didn't know exactly what was going on. I just remember my teacher checking her phone a lot, and the PA announcements were very strange. Before I knew it, my friends started to leave class. One by one. My teacher didn't say anything to us; she just continued to teach. But something was off.
Later I would learn that our country had been attacked. For a first grader, I didn't really understand. All I knew was that many people were hurt, and all we could do was pray. Some of my friends watched what was happening on television. But I don't remember seeing it until I was older.
Sitting in the classroom that day, I had no idea everyone's life was going to change. We were all altered in some form. Some of my friends lost relatives or family friends. I can only imagine the hurt they feel.
I sit here 15 years later and wonder why these things happen. Why one human could do that to another.
15 years later, and we are now part of history. This is the first freshman class in high school that will be learning about this moment in history--that did not live it. They will watch the old videos that many of us grew up watching. They will read it in a textbook. They will close the book. They will not experience what we did that day.
But for those of us that heard. For those that lost loved ones. For those that were there. For those who fight for and protect our country. For those who take pride in America. We will always hold this day close to our hearts. It is not just another day in history. It is our history.
I have never cared much for history. I was always bored when I read about wars and attacks in my textbooks. It did not interest me. But it breaks me heart to know that 15 years ago, on September 11, 2001, history was created at the cost of American lives.
In another 15 years from now, students may not understand what it really meant to all of us--to be attacked in our own country, on our own soil, on what started out as a typical day.
But one thing they will know, is that America represents our freedom and our hearts. They will know that each heart is important and how many lives were lost in the horrible attacks.
Thank you to all of those who have served or are currently serving. From the military to police officers and fire fighters. Thank you to the friends and families that lost loved ones for persevering. Thank you to those who hold this day close to your heart.
Never Forget.