you are so much stronger than how he makes you feel
his actions do not make you
even if they break you right now..
I know you feel so hollow but are full of so much love
so much love for this being that destroys you
that rips away your happiness, that rips away your smile, that rips away that bit of hope you had
as if you were holding a beautiful rose & all of a sudden a bitter cold wind came & took it out of your hand
just like that
you don't know why this is happening
you have never experienced this feeling of disappointment
your stomach drops and all he does is rip your heart out & spit it back at you repeatedly
you are so beautiful
you are so strong
you are whole on your own
you always have been
he doesn't want you to feel like this because he does not know who he is
so he tears everything in his path apart
just like tornados do
destroying everything in its path
you need to run far away from this tornado
you will make it, trust me you will
do not doubt yourself
you do not know how strong you are
but you will find out
when you do, you will be so thankful
you will be brand new, he can never take your happiness away ever again
no one can
first you need to see this tornado, feel how strong it is, ripping away everything, then you run from it and never look back
then the reflection in the mirror is a survivor
a survivor of your past, of your own disasters
someone who was so broken but pieced their self back together