Do you ever go through a season in life, and it seems like time is going as slow as molasses? Same. I'm like "hey God let's get this show on the road, I'm ready for my life to feel like it's somewhat close to being put together and steady. What's the point in all of this?"
Whether it's stressful, boring, joyful, heartbreaking, good, bad, or just plain ugly, every season of your life has a purpose made by God. But how will you ever see a time in your life full of purpose, if you don't look at it how God sees it?
He has set eternity in our hearts.
How are you looking at your season of life right now? Are you looking at the big picture through God's eyes, or are you looking at it moment-by-moment, day-by-day? These days with all of the social media, texting, and what-not, we are used to instantaneous results, emotions, and responses. God doesn't work this way. Through just a few of His characteristics, you can tell He doesn't work through us in this way. He is steadfast, He is enduring, He is gracious, faithful, just, and patient. He takes His time because masterpieces cannot be finished overnight. God has set eternity in our hearts, so we won't have to live moment-by-moment focusing on what's wrong, what we're missing, or things that are unsatisfactory (even though most of the time I choose to live like this).
In His timing
God set you in a specific season because you are unlike anyone else. You are set apart. He weaves people, situations, and seasons in-and-out in our lives to teach us about His goodness, faithfulness, comfort, joy, and healing that can only satisfy our needs and His ultimate plan. He made you, and He will make you beautiful in His timing through these specific seasons.*
* this piece is in reference to God's promises in Ecclesiastes 3, highly recommend reading!