"You're Hired"---the best words you could ever hear! This could only mean one thing, the obvious, you just got a new job! Now finally your parents can stop bugging you to get off of your lazy butt and you can finally start making some money. What could be better than this??
But wait, hold on, there are some side effects to starting a new job that I think you should be prepared for.
I just got a new job this summer and only one week in I have gotten my share of the new employee syndrome. Here are some necessary points of advice or different things you should look out for.
1. Being the New Kid
In general this is the worst part about it all. Everyone, and I mean literally everyone, even the person who takes the trash out, has authority over you and knows more about the job than you do when you first start. You hardly even know how to clock in at this point. And being at the very bottom of the totem pole isn't the best place to be.
2. The 5689 Year Old Computer Training Programs
Not once have these been updated and you are basically reading something from when the company just started. These talk about the general safety hazards or misconduct theories that even a cavemen could understand. I recommend just hitting "Next" or "Continue" as fast as you can to get those over with.
3. Explaining to Everyone your "Story"
"I'm 21 and I am a senior going to college in Arizona." Note: they WILL ask you if you go to ASU (Because an "Arizona college,"automatically means you go to ASU, those dang Sun Devils). It is all small talk and these people won't remember this information in a week.
4. Everyone thinking they are A-mazing at their Job
The employees that have been working there will train you the "correct" way to do everything, when in reality they probably break all the rules and never follow the manual, but that's the proper way to train so they try to make themselves look as great as possible at their jobs when explaining to you the ropes.
5. Sucking Up to Your Boss
(Actually this goes beyond when you first start your new job) But especially when you first get hired. In the very beginning you want to make a strong impression and that you REALLY love this new position. Usually this involves being creepily smiley and overly energetic. "I am doing FANTASTIC!!!!""
6. Purchasing New Uniform Clothes
When will I ever wear a polo and non slip shoes again!? (Shout out to working at Paradise Bakery) Usually you stand out like a sore thumb because you can tell you just bought new clothes and you still have fold marks in all them.....eeesh...
7. Not getting on the Pay Roll Right Away
Usually you start work and you're not in the "system" (whatever that means) and you're pay check is delayed. Money is the only reason why I got this job??! Now I have to wait three weeks until I get a check!? That sucks.
8. Knowing Absolutely Nothing about the Product
Cue minor heart attack when a customer asks you a question about your product and you have to embarrassingly say "Sorry I'm new, let me ask someone who can help." Oh Gosh, why don't I just wear a sticky note on my forehead saying "In Training."
These eight points aren't the best part about starting a new job. But everyone goes through them and give it two weeks, they will probably hire someone new and you will be an expert.
Needless to say though, no matter if you are working at McDonald's or at an office building downtown, a job is a job and money is money. And there is nothing, absolutely, nothing that can top that feeling.
Happy Summer of starting new jobs!! Good Luck to everyone!