I am a free-spirited, open-minded, guitar playing, happy person. I am a hippie at heart.
When people think of a hippie, the first thought that tends to pop into their head is a drug addicted person who wears a lot of tie-dyes.
While half of that is true for me, the tie-dye wearing part, just to clarify, that is not what makes a hippie a hippie.
In the world, there has always been war; it's just a part of life, but does it really have to be?
In my perspective, we are all human, so why because two people are born from different countries does it just seem natural to fight against each other in some war conjured up by our opposing governments?
As I said, we are all human, so instead of doing more to distinctly separate our countries and make it harder to conjoin ourselves, we all need to remember that despite our skin color, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or ethnic background, we are exactly the same on this inside.
So no, I am not joking when I say world peace would be a nice, and even a possible thing to have if we just worked towards it like we do other things.
On a lower scale, the world could be a much happier place if we as individuals were just happier. "But how do I just 'make' myself happy?" The answer is simple: you don't.
A reason that our world can be so miserable at times is that people just aren't nice to one another. In school there are bullies, at work, there are rude people, and just all around there are people who for some reason seem to be going out of their ways to make other people as miserable as they are.
Like I said, you don't just make yourself happy, you need to do things to make other people happy. Not to be totally generic, but kindness is contagious.
Just think, if everyone around you improved their attitudes and performed small acts of kindness, wouldn't you feel much better? It's a domino effect.
As one person improves others' days, those people move on to have a good day and help even more people, so be that person that sets off the cycle and just make people happy because that's exactly how you go about making yourself happy.
While I know we live in a world that seems as though you have to put yourself first in order to succeed, I also know that if a group of people put their minds to something they can achieve it. If enough people realize the problems in our world are actually solvable, it is one hundred percent possible.
I understand that I may be a bit optimistic in my view point on world peace because I know that countries don't just decide to go to war for no reason, but maybe if we continue to have a positive mindset, we can stop the reasons for war and ultimately achieve world peace.
We will probably always be physically separated by country for political and ethnic purposes, but that does not mean we need to be divided mentally. We, as a planet, need to work together to be the peaceful place the past hippies, who stood up for what they believed in, wanted our world to be.