I remember sitting in government class about this time last year, talking about the candidates for primaries. The idea that Donald Trump was throwing his hat in the ring and that there might be another President Clinton seemed somewhat far-fetched and novel. Well looking at what were about vote for it’s now safe to say this may have been the most unconventional election ever.
One that started with over a dozen political hopefuls in the GOP race alone, has boiled down to a billionaire that SNL makes fun of for being orange. Our other presidential candidate is under investigation by the FBI and is brilliantly portrayed by Kate McKinnon regularly.
The real reason more people have been so attuned to this election cycle is simply, without a doubt, the players in the game. At the beginning, the idea of another Bush was toyed with. Strong front-runner Cruz and Rubio seemed good too, that is until they started yelling at each other onstage like a bunch of five-year-olds. From then on it’s been conflict after conflict during this election. Human nature actually inherently thrives on conflict. We find it interesting, sometimes even entertaining. Past candidates did not have as much of a reputation as the two current candidates. This means that there is more to scrutinize from a personal aspect. With the advent of social media, as the opposing party in this day and age, you would be crazy to not utilize that. Hearing the latest political scandal in the past year is really just synonymous with what crazy thing is trending on twitter now.
This political circus is thankfully coming to a close soon. For that I think we should all be grateful, so we can move on with our lives and discuss other highly important issues of social relevance, for example, such as the color of Starbucks new holiday cups.