1. Solutions manuals are a great way to supplement your learning inside the classroom. Look hard enough and you'll probably find one for whichever class you're in.
2. Studying at home is a no-go. Your best bet is to pick a place on campus that's quiet and relatively unknown. Establish this as your go-to study spot, but make sure that the secret stays with you. The last thing you want is a bunch of people honing in on your territory.
3. Buying a planner is undoubtedly one of the best investments a student can make. With so much going on from day to day, it's almost impossible to keep track of it all. Between classes, call-outs, and homework, your life just got a whole lot busier. Trust me: you'll be glad that you did.
4. Maintain a healthy diet. I'm not saying go ultra vegan, but at least watch what you consume. While ramen is cheap it's also got tons of sodium, and isn't good for you, when consumed in large quantities. Cut back on the soda and other sugary drinks, by switching to low-calorie or zero-calorie options like water. Chances are you won't be hitting the gym as frequently as you would like, and those extra calories aren't going to burn themselves.
5. Get involved sooner rather than later. The earlier you join a student organization the more chances you'll have to connect with other people, and gain leadership opportunities.
6. Buy your books early, but don't feel pressured to get the newest edition if it's not in your price range. I've found that for most classes, the information hasn't changing drastically from one year to the next. Last time I checked, the laws of motion in physics have been the same since Newton first discovered them.
7. Now that you've got your books, make sure to read them. What good is $1000.00 worth of books if you don't ever crack them open? In addition, professors like to take questions straight from the books. Students who read and understand the material, probably have a higher chance of doing better in class.
8. This should go without saying but, try to have some fun. College can be stressful, either because of classes, or roommate issues, or perhaps both. Figure out something that helps you to relax and do it frequently.
9. Be true to who you are. You should know by now what does and doesn't work well for you. If you're not a morning person, then a 7:30 a.m. class is definitely not for you. It's ok. Don't fight it!
10. There are no easy A's. And as the legend goes, there was once a professor who was so bad, that no students ever wanted to take her class. So, she started the myth of the easy A in order to unwittingly trick students into taking it. But much like Bigfoot or the abominable snowman, it simply does not exist.
11. There's so much more to do than just drink. Now is your time to explore (if you haven't done so already). If you want to take a trip to Indianapolis, or Chicago, or even check out downtown Lafayette, then go for it! They each have a lot to offer, and might be more fun than you think.