It's Going To Be Legendary So You Should Never Overlook These 15 Lessons From 'How I Met Your Mother' | The Odyssey Online
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It's Going To Be Legendary So You Should Never Overlook These 15 Lessons From 'How I Met Your Mother'

Whether it's your yellow umbrella, Robin Sparkle's music videos, or a blue French horn, this show deserves the credit of a therapist.

It's Going To Be Legendary So You Should Never Overlook These 15 Lessons From 'How I Met Your Mother'

Kids, here's the thing. Growing up, my family and I would watch "How I Met Your Mother" together every week, laughing at Barney's terrible life decisions, admiring Robins Canadian passion, but most importantly, listening to Ted's inspirational messages and unconsciously learning from this fictional television show.

I never really put much thought into how this show actually affected me until I noticed myself pulling from experiences that I had vicariously witnessed through none other than Ted Mosby. These are my top 15 favorite sayings and takeaways from this extremely underrated show.

1. "Kids, you can't cling to the past because no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone."

2. "Stop giving up on people so quickly. You're going to miss out on something great."

3. "You will be shocked, kids, when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That is why when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it."

4. "Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things."

5. "Why not just say goodbye to all the bad things? Say goodbye to everything you really want to do for the last time."

6. "Some people have expiration dates in our lives."

7. "You can't jump to the end; the journey is the best part."

8. "Even if you know something is going to end, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the ride."

9. "Nothing good ever happens past 2 a.m."

10. "If you're not scared, you're not taking a chance. And if you're not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?"

11. "You will love again because time will heal a broken heart, but it definitely won't heal your exes window."

12. "Sometimes three deep breaths can change everything."

13. "Everyone I know is getting pregnant or married, and I am just getting more awesome."

14. "Your first call is who you keep in your life. When something happens good or bad the first person you want to tell, that is who is truly important."

15. "Wait for it, because it's going to be legendary."

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