Two minutes ago, I checked the election predictions on Bing. Clinton has an 89.7% chance of winning as of 9:10am CST. I've tried to keep my election thoughts fairly private thus far, but it's officially Election Day, and I'm coming out.
I'm with her.
I'm with every girl who wears a hijab and gets attacked every day because she loves her god enough to wear a headscarf. I'm with every girl who was born with a penis and just wants to be normal. I'm with every girl of color who knows she's as good as the white girls in her class, but her family can't afford to buy her an American Girl doll and her winter coat is from salvation army.
And I'm with the girls who don't fit the stereotypes. I'm with every girl who is white, colored, cis, trans, rich, poor, you name it. I'm with her. And him.
I'm with the sons who are told emotions are for girls. I'm with the sons who are in poverty, and just want to be a part of robotics club every Wednesday but their single parent can't afford the gas to drive them across town to the college and career center. I'm with the sons who love hunting, fishing and Trump.
I'm with the daughters who are voting for Trump, too.
Because at the end of the day, we're human- and citizens of the United States. As citizens, we reserve the right to vote for whomever we feel is right. And for me, I feel that is Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, despite the scandals, is human, too. She believes in giving people hope by fighting for the future. Clinton plans on funding Planned Parenthood- which will help not only keep little girls from getting pregnant at 15, but provide breast cancer screenings and STD testing and prevention. She believes LGBT people like me deserve to vote, love, and have a family. She believes women are capable of doing anything a man can do.
Less than 100 years ago, women like me could not vote. Less than 60 years ago, people of color (including indigenous people like me) could not vote. I am proud to say that this election, as a (50?%) native woman, I am voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Many Trump supporters will say I'm just "voting with my vagina". I like to think that my vagina doesn't have intelligent thought, but rather I do. I am a person- not a walking sex organ.
Trump wants to repeal the right to marry. Trump wants to send my best friend, a Mexican-American lesbian, back to Mexico- a country she's never been to. Trump wants to scare me into voting for him. I won't have it.
Trump has had at least 12 women come forth and say he sexually assaulted them in some way, shape or form. He'll lash back and say they're all in it for the money- and yet, none of these women are suing him.
Trump has the KKK and the American Nazi Party supporting him. This alone makes me want to look elsewhere.
What I've observed this election is a lot of smear tactic- on Trump's part. He insults the disabled, the poor, the colored- all traits born with. He brings up the emails, over and over. That's it. That's his ammunition against Hillary. If that's all he's got, I stand with my vote.
This election, we have the choice to move forward- or backward.
Your choice, America.