Feminism is on the rise but many supporters seem to have forgotten the equality aspect of it. Hillary Clinton is branding herself as the feminist candidate for the upcoming election. What exactly makes her a feminist?
A quick search on the internet will give you several articles to read about her limited scope. Many minorities and lower-income women feel extremely detached from Clinton, and rightfully so. Clinton does not understand or know the values of these families, the families who can't make millions just for giving a few speeches.Feminism in America has turned into this white-washed movement that really only applies to upper and middle-class women. What about the women who are being discriminated for their gender, their race, their income, and their mental health? Let's not forget the ever growing movement now includes Transwomen. Where are these people being represented in government and who is speaking up for their rights?
How can a woman who's been removed from the struggle of everyday Americans for years even begin to understand the obstacles that are faced every day? The answer is quite simply she can't, and she won't.
She also talks about how sexual assault victims need to be heard. That may be the case, unless of course, they're accusing her husband of committing unsavory crimes. It seems rather hypocritical that she says she stands with victims but called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon.” Where's that compassion she says we need to show to other women?
What I am absolutely baffled by is the fact that so-called feminists are basing their votes on solidarity, on the fact that she's a woman rather than a qualified candidate (which hello is sexism), and are completely ignoring her attacks towards other women. It's sexist and offensive that I am expected to vote for Clinton because I identify as a feminist. The last time I checked, I'm fighting for equality. I'm fighting for women to be heard and treated as equals, not to be elected into positions they aren't qualified for because they share a few genetic features.