Why Hillary Is Better Than Trump | The Odyssey Online
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Why Hillary Is Better Than Trump

This past year in politics has been entertaining.

Why Hillary Is Better Than Trump
Tablet Magazine

This past year in politics has been entertaining. We have watched 19 Republican Candidates battle it out for the presidential nomination in a soap opera-like fashion; complete with insulting each other during debates (where you’re supposed to talk about issues in the United States).

The Democratic side was entertaining in its own respect; with hardcore Bernie supporters and all of the “scandal” behind Hillary Clinton.

Being an avid Bernie supporter myself, thousands of supporters and I were less than pleased when we learned that Hillary Clinton would be receiving the nomination. However, that does not mean I won’t vote for her. Bernie or bust people, I’m sorry, but you are being absurd. If you truly believed in the progressive platform you claim you are so passionate about, then you would vote for the best possible option for that platform- Hillary Clinton. Not voting is another vote for Trump, who would do the exact opposite of what we were fighting for. I know there is a lot of scandal and confusion behind Hillary Clinton, so I wanted to write this article to clear things up.

First of all, Hillary is extremely qualified for this position, more so than Mr. Trump. She graduated with honors from Yale Law, worked on several presidential campaigns, and worked at Senator Mondale’s committee for migrant workers; and this was only after she graduated. After this, she chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee, co-founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, and was named one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America in 1988 and 1991. After this she served as a first lady for 8 years, senator of New York, and Secretary of State. Not only does she have political experience, she has also supported some awesome causes! She started the Global Health Initiative, which improved medical facilities, reduced the spread of HIV, and lowered infant and maternal morality rates.

Now that we have established that she is more than qualified for the position, let’s talk about the two things conservatives always bring up when they talk bad about Hillary- Benghazi and the email scandal. These two incidents are brought up so much, I honestly think most people don’t even know what they are, so here’s a quick rundown:The Benghazi attack was when militants attacked the US Embassy in Libya, killing four American Citizens, and injuring ten. Basically, the argument is that Hillary failed her role as Secretary of State in providing security to those in the Embassy. She took responsibility, however, most of this was not her fault. Ambassador Stevens constantly asked that security not be increased at Benghazi, even acknowledging the need for more security, because he valued his ability to live with Libyans.

And this is not his fault either, he is an American hero who has done great service to this nation. Although the Senate felt as though this was “preventable”, there was no reason for Stevens or Clinton to believe that the revolutionaries he aided would turn on him. This is solely the fault of a small, radical group of people who call themselves “Muslims” (who are not representative of the peaceful Islam I have grown up with). Moving on, this attack sparked the email scandal that we also hear about. Basically, many people feel that she violated laws by sending classified emails through her personal server, however, this is not the case. According to Media Matters, “Clinton’s use of a personal email account was legal and did not violate State Department Policy.” Also, “Clinton did not receive any emails labeled as ‘classified’ or ‘top secret’ at the time they were sent.”

Check the hyperlink if you don’t believe me.

Overall, there has been so much drama surrounding Hillary Clinton, it has been overshadowing what really matters, picking a person who will lead our country with humility and grace.

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