"New Girl" is a hit comedy TV show on FOX on its fifth season, and Netflix has four seasons online. The main character is Jess, who is an eccentric teacher who recently became roommates with three men: Nick, Schmidt and Winston. If you enjoy comedies and have a sense of humor, this show is for you! I'm going to list some of the funniest moments to show how easily it is to become obsessed with it.
1. This wonderful conversation.
2. When Nick freaks out.
3. When Jess tells the truth about being a woman.
4. I wish I looked this cool while wearing a hoodie as pants.
5. When Winston can't life.
6. When Jess is you.
7. Nick being Nick.
8. Winston and his friendship with his cat.
9. Nick's personality.
10. Jess's clumsiness.
11. This plot twist.
12. Jess freaking out when the guy she likes talks to her.
13. Nick's distrust of fish.
13. Schmidt's hatred towards children.
14. Winston's job interview.
15. When the characters know they are weird, but we love them anyway.
I dare you to watch an episode and not become obsessed with this show. Before you know it you will three seasons deep, excited for the next episode!