The Cloud Gate sculpture , more commonly known as The Bean, is a staple of the Chicago experience... at least that's what I tell all of my out-of-state friends when they come to visit. Who doesn't love getting your tourist friends to take embarrassing pictures with the random, metallic bean in our city center? I am not the only one who has noticed and commented on the Bean's beautiful absurdity. There is a thread of "memes" on Facebook where Chicagoans make fake events around or involving the Bean. Stay tuned for this list to see some highlights.
Give the Bean a Blanket
Anyone who's seen a Chicago winter knows this is accurate.
Windex the Bean
Let's all help the Bean to treat-yo-self!
Guy Fieri Cooks the Bean
What can't he cook?
Fill the Bean with Helium
Bean free, bean free little bean.
Collect Alimony form the Bean alimony would still be less than the cost of Beanie Babies on Ebay.
Roll the Bean into the Lake
Meet you at Navy Pier?
Put Googly Eyes on the Bean
I spy with my little eye....
"It's Bean too long..."
When you haven't been in the Loop for a minute.
There's Bean too Many Bean Events
Yet I'll still always RVSP "Interested".