When it comes to college, a college student will experience rough and unusual eating patterns. The average college student will have demanding classes, numerous homework assignments, brutal hours of studying, a part-time job, and an intense social life. Who needs the dining hall food when you can create delicious gourmet meals in the comfort of your dorm room or apartment? So, for all you busy college students, here are seven hilarious cookbooks that every college student must have on their bookshelves.
1. "Gone With The Grits" - Diane Pfeifer
Have you ever wanted to master the art of Southern cuisine? "Gone With Grits" contains 135 scrumptious grits recipes such as "Grits Caviar," "Grits-A-Pizza," "The Gritfather," "George Washing-Grit Cherry Crips," and "Gooey Butter Grits Cake." So, at the next potluck, you can impress your family and friends on the culinary skills you picked up while in college. At least something you've learned is paying off.
2. "Fifty Shades of Chicken: A Parody in a Cookbook" - F.L. Fowler
If you’re a secret "Fifty Shades of Grey" fan, then you will find yourself at the mercy of "Fifty Shades of Chicken: A Parody in a Cookbook." The "Fifty Shades of Chicken" cookbook provides 50 irresistible recipes that will leave you hungry for more. Do you want to surprise your significant other with a romantic dinner? Then the “Mustard Spanked Chicken” would the perfect!
3. "White Trash Cooking" - Ernest M. Mickler
"White Trash Cooking" contains old-fashioned cooking recipes and hospitality traditions that will impress your friends, or even your significant other. The “Four-Can Deep Tuna Pie,” “Day-Old Fried Catfish,” and “Tutti’s Fancy Fruited Porkettes” will expand your cuisine, so you don’t have to waste any more leftovers!
4. "Smiling Sushi Roll" - Takayo Kiyota
Have you ever wanted to create unique and whimsical sushi rolls that will impress your family and friends? "Smiling Sushi Roll" shows the mediocre cook how to use basic ingredients to create culinary masterpieces such as Klimt’s “The Kiss” Munch’s “The Scream.” At your next party, your sushi rolls will become the talk of the town (or hallway).
5. "The Original Road Kill Cookbook" - Buck Peterson
Do you want to cook delectable entrees with animals found dead on the side of the road? "The Original Road Kill Cookbook" has easy to follow recipes and culinary advice to prepare a tasty meal. So, the next time you see a dead animal on the side of the road, why not pick it up? It will save you another trip to the grocery store.
6. "Bob’s Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers" - Loren Bouchard
"The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book" includes 75 original, signature recipes that allow fans to get the ultimate Bob’s Burgers experience. Just serve the “Bleu is the Warmest Cheese Burger” or “Sweaty Palms Burger” at your next weekend cookout and become the king (or queen) of the grill!
7. "Mini-Mart a la Carte: Tasty Recipes for the Convenience Store Connoisseur"
Any college student can create a savory and flavorful meal with convenience food. "Mini-Mart a la Carte" is a hilarious cookbook using common ingredients found on the shelves of your local convenience store. From canned meat to squeezable cheese, Christopher Rouser’s tantalizing recipes will transform any college student from a terrible cook to a culinary genius!