Just because April Fools falls on the same day as Easter this year does not mean that it deserves any less recognition as an international holiday. One must still be expected to fulfill their duty as a participant in ruthless, knee-slapping pranks. It is only on this one special day each year that mischevious behavior is truly acceptable, so why not take advantage of it? Out of ideas for a new prank to try this April 1st? Here are a few to help you out!
1. Car pranks
With so many different versions and variations, this one gives you the chance to really express your creative side. Whether it be covering a car in hundreds of cotton balls (just use cold water!), securing the vehicle with Saran wrap or sticking Post-it notes to every inch of its exterior, there's just so many options and ways to have fun with it!
2. Air horn scheme
If its a co-worker, tape it to the bottom of their desk chair. If it's a friend or roommate, tape it against the wall behind the door, like a noisy door stopper. You'll be sure to give them a mini heart attack.
3. Classic Jim Halpert
Take one or more of your co-worker's desk items and solidify it in Jell-O, just as Jim does to Dwight's stapler in a classic episode ofThe Office.
4. Alternative recipes
Turn a jelly-filled donut into a mayo-filled donut, a cookies n' cream Oreo into a cookies n' toothpaste Oreo or, even worse, disguise onions as a caramel covered apples. Make sure to stay to see the reaction. It'll be priceless, I swear!
5. Fake poop
Nothing freaks people out more than poop. I'm serious. NOTHING. So you really wanna freak out a friend or co-worker? Take the inner cardboard from a toilet paper roll, soak it, and then mold it until it looks just like a fresh piece of poop. Be prepared to apologize for scaring the @#$%! out of your victim.
6. For the extreme pranksters: Invisible driver prank
Ever thought about disguising yourself as a car seat? Talk about serious camouflage skills. This one requires quite a bit of work and you have to be super sneaky about it, but man does it scare the pants off of people! Go ahead and try it out at your local McDonalds drive-thru!