13 Reasons Everyone Should Hike Mount Katahdin
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13 Reasons Everyone Should Hike Mount Katahdin

Hiking Mount Katahdin in Maine is a life changing experience.

13 Reasons Everyone Should Hike Mount Katahdin

Mount Katahdin is the peak of Maine and the final stop for many thru hikers. This adventure is as challenging as it is incredible. Each and every trail has it's own personality, much like the daring hikers who climb them. I've hiked this mountain many times and each time I've felt different after. The experience is life changing. Here are a few of the reasons this mountain never fails to inspire and amaze me.

1. Chimney Pond.

It's impossible to capture the stunning beauty of Chimney Pond. The 180 degree view of the mountain is as intimidating as it is breathtaking. On the crystal clear pond's shore you'll find hikers of all types refilling their water packs, refueling with trail mix, and simply appreciating their surroundings. You'll chat with a park ranger here before your hike about the weather and the trails you've chosen. The atmosphere is relaxing yet exciting. There is no place on Earth like Chimney Pond.

2. The infamous Knife Edge.

The Knife Edge trail is arguably the most famous hike in Baxter State Park. The Knife Edge runs across the top of the mountain between Pamola and Baxter Peak. This website rates the difficulty of this hike as 'sign the will'. In some places you have an eight inch width of trail with 4,000+ foot drops on each side. This trail is a life changing experience, as it's hard to match this type of thrill.

3. The three Cathedrals.

My favorite trail on Katahdin is the Cathedral Trail. This 1.7 mile hike is the shortest way to Baxter Peak, and it's also the most challenging. There are no rungs or ladders on this trail and it's almost completely hand-over-foot climbing. I'm constantly muttering "Four points of contact..." during this hike. Each of the three cathedrals offers a risky overlook adventure and a 360 degree view of what seems like all of Maine. Definitely a Kodak moment. Also, as amazing as the hike is, it's relieving knowing when you conquer each cathedral. It's a long, strenuous, amazing climb.

4. The unreal views.

While you're climbing Mount Katahdin you'll be extremely focussed on the rocks below you and those 'four points of contact', however, the views around you are impossibly beautiful. From watching Chimney Pond shrink with every boulder you climb, to the gorgeous sight of lakes and ponds miles away, any direction can take your breath away. This is when you really need to stop and appreciate your surroundings. The number of places where you can stand on a mountain and see zero sign of human interruption is shrinking everyday, which is just another reason Baxter State Park is so special. Mount Katahdin remains how the Earth intended it to be.

5. You'll meet some of the coolest people. Thru hikers included.

Starting as early as July thru hikers make their way to the final stop on the Appalachian Trail, Baxter Peak. From experience, I've learned that these dedicated hikers have the best stories in the Northern Woods. After all, some strange things are bound to happen when you're walking from Georgia to Maine. On the trails you'll also meet hikers from all over the world who are bound to have some cool stories of their own. They'll probably share their snacks, too.

6. Pamola Peak.

Pamola Peak is either the beginning of your Knife Edge adventure or the sigh of relief that you've survived it. Either way, Pamola has an amazing view of it's side of the mountain and Chimney Pond.

7. Baxter State Park.

Baxter State Park is the home of the most thrilling hikes on the East Coast, but it's also home of natural waterslides, Katahdin Lake, and so many other beautiful hikes. Outdoor enthusiasts of all ages can enjoy Baxter Park, and it's impossible to enjoy every single thing it has to offer. The options are endless and each one seemingly more gorgeous than the next.

8. Lunch at Baxter Peak.

I've had the best meals of my life sitting on top of Mount Katahdin. You don't know how good a flat peanut butter and fluff sandwich can taste until that's all you've thinking about all day. I like to bring some strange treats to enjoy as a reward as well, my favorite being a cold can of Spaghetti-Os. Totally worth the extra weight in my pack. Regardless of your snack selection it will taste so much better after conquering this beast of a mountain.

9. The sign.

I spend at least half of a year planning the photo I'll take with the sign at the top of Katahdin. Yes, that's the Knife Edge tattooed on my back. The photo you take at the peak signifies a huge accomplishment. It will bring back memories of jokes told in complete exhaustion, which are usually so bad we go by the 'what's said on the mountain, stays on the mountain' rule. You'll remember the moment you finally reach that sign for the rest of your life, and will treasure the photo commemorating it.

10. The adrenaline. Feeling truly alive.

Mount Katahdin entices adrenaline junkies from all over the world to give her merciless trails a try. For the majority of the hike you'll find yourself above tree line clinging to massive blocks of granite. One wrong step and you can plummet thousands of feet to an untimely end. There's a thrill in that. Adrenaline is what gets a hiker through this incredible adventure. Your muscles will scream but the adrenaline will scream louder. This is pushing your limits. This is feeling alive.

11. The look on first time hiker's faces.

"The trail goes WHERE?" First time hikers of Katahdin always have a fairly rude awakening. On Cathedral most of the trail is vertical, so you literally can't see where you're headed. There's no footpath on this mountain. Surprise!

12. It will be one of the most challenging experiences of your life.

There's a reason there are so many warnings before tackling Mount Katahdin... It's simply because it's hard. Hikers visit Katahdin from all over the world for the challenge it represents. On multiple occasions you will want to quit. However, you can't. There's no turning around on this mountain, there's no trolley to take back down to Chimney Pond when your knees start to wobble. You have to push yourself harder than ever before. Your body will hate you for it, but your spirit and mind will be forever grateful.

13. It will also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

One of the best feelings in the world is to be proud of yourself. After conquering Mount Katahdin, that's exactly how you'll feel. During the hike you'll be laughing and cursing, but also bonding with your fellow hikers. There's a connection formed when a group of friends are all struggling together. The memories will last. The pride will, too.
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