Moving away to college can be a tough transition for anyone, whether it be two miles from your home or 600. College is a fresh start for all freshman, you can recreate yourself, and completely turn your life around. There are some things that nobody tells you before going away to school, that will make your transition much easier! Everyone learns these things eventually, but the earlier the better.
14 things you should know going into your freshman year of college:
1. Don’t be afraid to sit alone.
If the person next to you isn’t alone today, they were yesterday. It is ok to eat alone, study alone, etc. Everyone does it so embrace it early on.
2. Don’t go to the bathroom without shower shoes.
Unless you have a private bathroom do not step foot in a bathroom without shower shoes or regular shoes on. You don't know how clean the bathroom floors or showers are, and they definitely aren't as clean as they should be. You don’t want to catch anything like fungus or athletes foot because of not wearing shoes.
3. Attend class; don’t skip, it isn’t worth it.
Some professors only allow two absences per semester or your grade drops an entire letter grade. Save those absences for when your ill. Some schools do not let professors accept doctor’s notes, so unless you’re throwing up or in the hospital you better go to class. Going to class is the easiest way to gain attendance points if available, and the easiest way to do well.
4. Get your work done ASAP!
If you have a day off take advantage of it. Do as much homework as you can on days off or breaks because it piles up quickly. Get ahead in a class if you can it really pays off in the long run. Missing one day of college classes is like missing a week in high school.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Get a tutor if you need the extra support. Most colleges offer free tutors or you can find one privately, it is ridiculously easy to fall behind.
6. You don't have to be best friends with your roommate.
You live together but you will have disagreements and get sick of each other at times. Give each other some space, dorm rooms are small. Make other friends, you don't need to do everything together.
7. Set ground rules with your roommate.
Set some rules ahead of time, things like overnights guests, using your things, eating your food and so on are good things to agree on before conflict. This is SO important.
8. You don’t always have to go along with the crowd.
Too many people feel pressured into going out every weekend or every night of the weekend because that’s what “everyone is doing." It is ok to take a break, stay in and study. A lot of these people that nonstop party don’t come back for the second semester.
9. Bring your car if you can.
Spend that $600 on a parking spot because it is 100% worth it. Some schools don’t allow freshman to have cars, but if your school does, take advantage. It isn’t as easy to get around as you think. Many people drive to the mall, the grocery store, work, home, etc. Taking a bus with several bags of groceries and a case of water isn't easy. Getting home if you go to school hours away is tough and pricey without a car, buses can cost hundreds of dollars, and zip cars are not always an available option.
10. The freshman 15 is real.
This is real for a lot of people, try to find a stress reliever if you don’t already have one. Stay positive and healthy, the meal plan options are not always healthy. You may find it necessary to spent $50 a week on healthy food at a grocery store.
11. Smile at the girl walking by.
It is a lot easier to make friends in college than it is in high school. Go out the first few weeks of school and make some friends! Talk to the kids next to you in class, everyone is in the same position. You may have to go up to strangers and start a conversation, ask for their snapchat, make friends early on!
12. Be a social butterfly.
Join clubs, Greek life, anything you’re interested in. It's a great and easy way to meet new people. Go out and make some great memories.
13. Do community service.
Do as much service as possible, it’s great for your resume and a lot of schools require a number of hours for certain programs. It’s a good way to meet people and help others in need.