As I am preparing for my college years ahead of me, I have realized that high school has not really prepared me in the way I thought it would. Now granted I have not been to a college class or college life but as far as preparing for all the what if's and the things I would have never thought I would have to do- all became a reality real quickly. In high school sure we learn how to do math and reading and your basics but do we ever really learn life skills- laundry, sewing, how to pay a bill, how to learn how to study, how to do adult things, problem solving class? No, There are classes on those things but should they start to become required? Absolutely. Stop teaching us things we don't really need to know and teach us the things that are more important outside of high school- acquire skills most teenagers don't have coming into college, maybe making things a little less scarier. Maybe it wouldn't be as important to teach these things in the start of high school but for sure by your senior year. For most of seniors, it is a blow off year, so why not teach them things that are going to be helpful in college and beyond. Don't get me wrong high school has taught me a lot but I wish there was more I learned about life skills and things I could take on for life. Living on your own and doing everything all by yourself is scary, so why not become more adapt to it when you're in high school than freshman in college. Have the teachers put more pressure on us and not hold our hands all the way through, teach people how to study, teach people ways how to cope and how to make friends. Wouldn't that be helpful? If you could go back to freshman year in college what is one thing you would have wished you known going in? Would it have been beneficial in high school to learn?
AdultingJul 03, 2019
Does High School Really Prepare You for College and Adulting?
I have had some great experiences in high school and learned a lot but wished I could have learned more life skills.