Open letter to my high school friends:
First off, I want to thank my high school friends for being the absolute best people, I had so much fun with you guys. Whatever we did we all knew it would be a good time as long as we were together. From the crazy school nights we went on adventures, and the parties we spent hours getting ready for together. Thank you for allowing me to be myself, and loving me. Thank you for being there for me when I was down. The nights I wanted to get ice cream and cry about my problems I will always be grateful for. I knew any of you would drop what you were doing and come pick me up. I don’t think I would of made it through high school without you guys.
Second, I hope each of you are as happy as can be where you are. I truly wish you guys the best, you will all do amazing things in your lives. You guys will all get everything you’ve ever wanted. I hope you are grateful for the times we spent together. I know I will always remember the crazy times we spent together and I hope you guys do too. I wouldn’t trade my high school friend group for anything in the world. I know one day when I'm old and I will look back on pictures of us and smile thinking about our friendships.
Sometimes it’s okay to have some friends, make memories, and then faded away. Everybody you become friends with will not be your friend forever, it’s sad but that’s just how life works out. You learn lessons, get in fights and realize who your true friends are. It so crazy how you can be friends with somebody and just one day you stop talking as much and soon you guys are like strangers. In high school you tend to have a lot a friends, it would get hard to try to please everybody.
Once I started college, I realized my appreciation for my high school friends, I know if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have had such a great high school experience. But as time went on and we all started going to different colleges, and those friends were meeting other friends I soon realized it was going to be okay. Soon my high school friends became more distant. We would talk every now and then, and some not talk at all. I soon became okay with it, I was happy they were meeting new people and they were happy with them and the place they were. Even though there would be drama from time to time, and there was a fair share of fighting every now and then, I just want the best for each and every single one of them.