For starters, those that don't know about HSPs, you should definitely take the time to. HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person and that means that this rare amount of people in the world have a hypersensitivity to external stimuli and have high emotional reactions. Basically, we're emotional as f**k.
It seems normal or somewhat stupid, but it is much more than overreactions and anxiety. Often times people mistake us or label us as "drama queens" or "snowflakes." (Not the political kind). When you discover the truth about what it means to be highly sensitive, then perhaps more people will understand the struggles behind it.
HSP's are very empathetic. We don't just pity people, no, we actually feel the pain and trauma that others go through. It is a very painful and worrisome process. It is hard to turn off the emotions and disconnect with others that are going through stressful situations.
We take everything to heart and make it our own problem. And that is one of the many problems that we face. We connect too much.
Because of this, there are many things in our daily lives that we have to avoid to distance ourselves from the chaos around us. Watching the news is a big one. It is emotionally and physically painful to watch the disorderly world try to function around us. It is also very hard to watch crime shows. We connect too much to the victims in the shows and it becomes too much to bear.
And you best believe that we can not be in crowded rooms, at least not for very long. Being in crowded rooms makes it hard to discern which emotions are yours. You can feel everyone's emotions and it becomes difficult to find yourself in the crowd.
These types of scenarios cause major bouts of anxiety. This also typically means that most people that are considered an HSP are also introverts. They tend to go hand in hand.
It becomes easy for us to carry the burdens of others on top of our own. We empathize so much with others that their baggage becomes our own. It often feels as though we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.
We may cry to things that aren't even that emotional or get upset at certain things that may appear to have no meaning, but we see and feel the sensitivity in everything in the universe. We are so in tune with the world that it sometimes gets to be overwhelming.
This doesn't mean that we are weak as we are often mistaken to be. I feel as though it makes us stronger. We feel the pain in others and bravely wear it on our sleeves.
If you are an HSP, never bring yourself down. You have more to offer and greater stories to tell that hold true value and meaning. This does not define your strength or stability. It simply makes you more connected and grounded. And if you know someone that is an HSP or if this is your first time hearing about it, don't doubt them.
They are going through more than you can understand.
Embrace your sensitivity.