While most questions have factual answers, there are a few questions that continue to boggle our minds. The ambiguity of these questions continues to leave society torn on what the correct answer truly is. Chances are you have run into quite a few of these questions, all of which probably have created some interesting and philosophical conversations. Here are 7 of the most highly debated questions.
1. Is water wet?
Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash
Some consider the property of "wetness" to be based on the chemistry of water molecules, which are in fact surrounded by other water molecules. But, others argue that the sensation of being wet can be attained by the act of pouring water on someone or something.
2. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Hot Dog GIF by Jared D. WeissGiphy
A sandwich can be considered two slices of bread with anything in between. But, hot dogs are different in that the slices of bread are not completely separated. While the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council released a statement in 2015 saying that a hot dog was in fact "not a sandwich", the question still remains.
3. Does a straw have two holes or one?
pink green and yellow plastic straw lot
Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash
This question is based on the elementary idea of what a hole truly is. Can a hole have two openings or one? Google defines a hole as a "hollow place in a solid body". A doughnut is considered to have one hole, yet so is a hole in the ground. You decide.
4. Is cereal considered soup?
cereal GIFGiphy
There are all kinds of soups: hot, cold, sweet, and savory. Soups are broths that are eaten with spoons. Cereal is typically defined as a sweet breakfast food poured in some type of liquid (usually milk) and eaten with a spoon. So, is cereal a soup?
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5. Is a thumb a finger?
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
C'mon people. This one is not that hard. We have five fingers on our hand and the thumb is considered one of them.
6. If you are at a restaurant and your waiter doesn't come back, are you the waiter?
Fail Music Video GIF by FOURCEGiphy
Pun intended.
7. Last but not least, which came first — the chicken or the egg?
person holding brown and black bird
Photo by Muhammad Syafi Al - adam on Unsplash
The age-old question everyone is still trying to answer. Some theorists argue that two chicken-like animals laid an egg that hatched a chicken. But, studies have shown that a particular protein required for chicken eggshell formation is only found in chicken ovaries. Thus, was an initial chicken required to lay a chicken egg? Who knows. We're all confused.