No, we're not talking about a neon pen that you use in class for notes. We're talking about the best makeup product ever invented. My sister was the first person to introduce me to this amazing product and I'm not really sure how I was able to function in the makeup world before it.
My favorite highlighter product right now is Sun Beam by Benefit. I went through a lull, which I usually do with my style, hair, and makeup, where I didn't like the way my makeup had been turning out. My sister, the always fabulous makeup guru, bought me this highlighter for my birthday along with a contour kit (which I didn't know how to even use at the time), a beautiful bright pink lipstick, new powder, and a Too Faced bronzer. I could have cried tears of joy. My favorite item that she bought me however, was definitely my highlighter.
I love the way highlighter works for almost any look you're going for. Whether you're in a early morning class, or ready for a night out on the town with the girls, highlighter can complete any look. Even though it makes such a huge difference on your face, it is so easy to use! All it takes are few dabs on your cheek bone, and you become glowing. It completely makes your look pop.
I feel as though highlight might become a staple beauty item in many households. It may even work its way up to be as staple as mascara and lipstick. The thing I love most about highlighter is that it can even be used when when you want a very simple, natural look. It ultimately brightens up your face and can make you glow even when you're tired and don't feel like getting ready for the day. It also works for literally any season.
Highlighter doesn't just benefit our IRL (in real life) look, in pictures it can brighten your face completely. Cosmopolitan, the magazine, even called 2016 "the year of the highlighter", and one hundred percent agree. It's seems weird to be that this beauty product had just become a phenomenon recently. It's interesting to me to see what the fad is with beauty every year, and I am definitely agreeing with this one.
I'm really grateful for my always hip little sister, Mia, for introducing me to this amazing product. I'm constantly bugging her to do my makeup, and I will continue to bug her to tell me the new trends at all time. She seems to be so up to date on all the new products and even though she makes fun of me for not knowing things, I love when she shares her wonderful knowledge with me.
I'm excited to expand my horizons and play with highlighter and other beauty products. But for now, I'm sticking to my Sunbeam!