High Waist Nude Feeling Sanding Scrunch Butt Lifting Yoga Leggings | The Odyssey Online
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High Waist Nude Feeling Sanding Scrunch Butt Lifting Yoga Leggings

Booty Scrunch Push Up Leggings$37.95Buy $50.00 more and save $5.00Buy $99.00 more and save $15.00Buy $199.00 more and save $35.00

Booty Scrunch Push Up Leggings DescriptionMore and more ladies are buying anti cellulite scrunch push up leggings because of the good looking of the scrunch booty. Our scrunch bum anti cellulite leggings are made with 80% nylon and 20% pandex, not only good looking, but also functional. Because of the nylon component, the booty scrunch push up leggings are skin friendly and naked feeling, and enough spandex makes them so stretchable. Also, you may worry about whether the women's anti cellulite leggings will be ribbed easily, do not worry, our sewing technology, we use four needle six thread, we can promise that they will not be ribbed even you squat frequently.

The biggest and most obvious characteristic is the peach lifting effect, even you have a flat ass, once you wear our peach fit anti cellulite leggings, you will have a hot-ass immediately. Besides, the waist is higher than usual,so the effect of tummy controlis better.

Shop the legging anti cellulite push up now!

Booty Scrunch Push Up Leggings Advantage

Butt lifting

Skin and naked feeling

Scrunch bum anti cellulite leggings

Tummy control

Squat proof

Push up

UPF 50+

Booty Scrunch Push Up Leggings Details








S M L XL(Check the size chart beforeplacing order)


As Picture




80% Nylon,20% Spandex


Squat Proof,Butt Lifting,

High Waist,Tummy Control etc.

Money Back Guarantee

Secure and protected payment

If you don't have a positive experience for any reason, we will do whatever it takes to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your purchase.

Buying items online can be a daunting task, so we want you to realize that there is absolute zero risk in buying something and trying it out. If you don't like it, no hard feelings we'll make it right.

HerGymClothing is a professional women's fashion sportswear online store whose predecessor is called "Superworkoutx". We have 12 years of experience in sales, production, and wholesale. Since the year of 2015, we started to do women's sportswear online shopping and sell women's exercise shorts including oxygen gym t shirt, undergarments, outfits, and so on. You can buy ladies gym wear online immediately.

High Waist Nude Feeling Sanding Scrunch Butt Lifting Yoga Leggings

Booty Scrunch Push Up Leggings Description

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