High school theater kids are one of the oldest stereotypes to exist. If you know a high school theater kid, or you were one, you know that they can produce some real life sitcom moments. In my experience, I have seen and lived through many, and these events are just too original not to share.
1. The Dramatics of Fog
During the last half of a matinee of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," the surplus of fog machines we were using caused a scene that wasn't written in the script. As the chorus sang through "Those Canon Days," the fire alarm began to blare. One fearless character kept singing away, acting like it wasn't happening, until our director came on stage and escorted everyone out of the building. In costume and all, the cast met the audience outside the theater while the fog machines were turned off. We continued the show once the situation was settled, but we will never forget the time we set off the alarm just for the dramatic effects of fog on the stage. It is drama, so this moment was fitting.
2. "Chicken Tender"
Imagine: you are in rehearsal onstage learning a dance number for the upcoming musical. You're surrounded by the rest of the dancers, listening and respecting the professional choreographer teaching you the dance. As you are being placed in the positions for the number, you smell chicken. Where is that coming from, you ask? You look over and one of the dancers has just pulled a chicken tender out of his pocket, enjoying a little snack he deemed well earned. "Is that a chicken tender on my stage?" the choreographer questions. We all admire as the man who's name permanently becomes Chicken Tender from this mistake gets yelled at for eating during dance rehearsal. There is a time and a place to eat chicken out of your pocket, and as it turns out, rehearsal is not one of them.
3. Dream Roles Ruined
4. The Mix Between Drama and Sports
One thing that can be true about drama kids is that they are not athletes. This is an observation many can make, but sometimes you are given proof. One day during drama class someone asks the group, "Does anyone want to play basketball in the gym with me?" We all look around and give him the obvious answer "no." He goes off by himself to play as we all continued to enjoy drama class. A few minutes later our teacher comes in and tells us this boy has been sent to the nurse. We all wondered what could have possibly happened in that short period of time he was playing basketball. How can one get hurt from the simple task of bouncing a ball? As it turns out, he tried to dunk and fell on both of his arms and broke them. It is like coke and mentos: you mix drama and sports together and it explodes in your face.
5. The Water Drop Saga
There is always a show-stopping moment in every show. If you have ever seen "The Wedding Singer," you will know there is a huge moment where a character pulls a rope and water drops on top of her. It is an incredible thing to pull off and our cast and crew made it look amazing every time we rehearsed it and in previous performances. The night the show was being judged for state-wide awards, the nerves were high. The show was going great with little mistakes, and we were approaching the moment that we were the most excited about. We danced through the song and watched as the girl who was supposed to pull the rope never made it on stage. The audience looked confused at the empty chair and rope, and the ensemble just finished the dance without the moment happening. The three step turns were made with little enthusiasm and shock. We briefly see the light from the doors opening in the audience as our directors rush in anger backstage. The show must go on, they say, and we kept on going. The stage was dry, but the eyes weren't at intermission.