You made it... almost. It's mid-March and you're making the final lap of your high school career. Just like the rest of us, you've probably been dreaming of this for the past three years of high school. But before you get too excited and rush through the final months of your childhood, here are some things to remember.
You're not too cool.
The end of the year is jam-packed with events. I promise you that you are not too cool to go to them all. In a year from now, you're not going to look back and say, "Wow. I wish I didn't go to that dance. That was so weird." That doesn't happen.
You might look back on it if you didn't go and regret not going. These are the last few months you have with the people who have seen you grow. These are your best friends, and as sad as it is, you will all be separated soon. Enjoy the time while you have it.
Do NOT get overly emotional about it.
This sounds like a contradiction to my last point, but that's okay. When I say "don't get overly emotional", I mean do not get so worked up over graduating and leaving the people who know you best that you forget to get excited to meet brand new people. Hold on to the OG friends, but I promise your college friends will make up for the separation.
There's not much more to say than to savor those homecooked meals. Dining halls are not gourmet, and their chicken is not the same chicken your mom makes. Enjoy the meals while you can.
Spend time with your family!
I know that the first few months after graduating will fly by with graduation parties, preparation for college, or whatever other opportunities you choose to pursue. My most valued advice is to spend time with your family. They might annoy you more than they don't, but soon enough, you'll be on your own and you won't have your parents to rely on for everything.
Take your mom out to breakfast. Go to a baseball game with your dad. It doesn't matter what you do; just truly enjoy your time spent with them.
Don't stress too much.
It's the end of the year. In most cases, you probably have your college figured out, even if you don't, and your grades are pretty much set in stone. Don't give yourself a panic attack over school work. Still, work hard and do your best, but seriously have fun and enjoy your time.
These are your last few months. Don't waste them with meltdowns.
Get ready for the best years of your life.
They got it wrong when they say high school is the best four years of your life. Sure, high school can be awesome, but I promise you being independent and making something of your name is better than any high school experience. Cherish your last few months, but get ready.
Soon enough, you'll be in the best years of your life.