“It’s the oldest story in the world. One day you’re 17 and planning for someday. And then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.”
Basically, Nathan Scott is telling us to slow down. This is your LAST month or so of high schoolEVER. Trust me, I remember what it was like to be an anxious senior who was ready to graduate, that was me literally last year. But with time comes knowledge right? If there is one thing I would change about senior year, it would be to soak it in. There are SO many 'lasts' you’re going to experience during these bittersweet weeks, so take some time to remember them. Here is my “to-do before senior year is over” list.
First and foremost, thank your teachers, faculty, librarians, custodial staff, the lunch ladies, the security guard, etc. These people have put up with you for the past four years and believe it or not, shaped you into the person you are today. Whether you see the impact that they made or not, show some respect. It has to be hard to let go of people they may never see again.
Reminisce on your favorite places in your high school. You have practically lived in that school for the last four years, so you are bound to have developed a favorite place to hang out with your squad. Whether it is the cafeteria, library or in front of the performing arts center, take some time to visit your safe place. Who knows when you’ll be able to visit it again.
Take pictures of your friends. The best thing I ever did throughout senior year was take pictures of everything. And then I uploaded them to Facebook ( I think I have close to 400 pictures from senior year), so I can look at them twenty years from now and post a #TBT of me and my bestie from prom. And also laugh at my clothes probably. I promise that you won’t regret it.
Speaking of, GO TO PROM. Honestly this is the last time besides graduation that you will be with the majority of your class. And ladies, it’s the last time (until you get married) that you can spend $500+ on a dress and not feel guilty. Even if you don’t have a date, go with a group of friends. Prom is such a fun, care-free time and it may be the last time you and your people are able to hang out for a while, so go and dance the night away. Even if you can’t dance! (I know I did).
Take senior pictures. It’s basically a right-of-passage for seniors nowadays. And who doesn’t love a good photoshoot? Trust me, your family will want pictures of you for their fridge and you’ll want to hand out little wallets to the entire school. AND when you graduate college in four years, you can do a pretty legit #transformationtuesday collage on Instagram.
Hang out around your town with your friends. After graduation, it’s hard for everyone to get together because of schedules, distance, or time. Cherish the time you have left while you’re still in the same town as your life long besties. Also, this could be one of the last times that you’re all able to get together in your hometown. Meeting up with hometown friends in your new town is fun, but you’ll still miss y’alls “spot.”
Most importantly, don’t waste away your last few weeks of high school because you’re ready for college. College will still be there, waiting for you after graduation. I know how exciting it is to think about life in a new place with new people with new freedom, but live in the present. Treasure the moments you have left in your town, in your school, with your people. In the long run high school may become an insignificant part of your life, but it did help shape you into who you are today. You may never cross paths with some of these people or places again, so make the time worth it. Slow down and soak it in.