Dear high school senior,
I know exactly how you feel. You're excited and ready to be done. Senioritis means you probably haven't actually tried on your homework for a while now. You're also a little bit anxious, though you won't admit it. I was you exactly one year ago which is something crazy for me to believe because it has not felt like a year. That being said, time flies.
Maybe you know this or maybe you don’t, but either way, it’s always good to be reminded.
This is it. Your last month in high school. You will never be this young and this in between responsibilities again.
I know you won’t believe me when I say this but you’re going to miss it. And when I say you’re going to miss it I don’t mean you’re going to miss everything you thought you hated about it, although you will miss some of those things at one point, you’re going to miss the person you were. After graduation, after that last summer, you’ll be on your own. Starting fresh. And yeah that’s a great thing and what everyone wants a chance to do, but it’s scary. And dang hard. It’s not all fun.
Don’t walk out of high school with any regrets.
Ask that boy out that you’ve had a crush on forever. Ditch with your friends. Go on adventures with them. Pass your classes but don’t stress about them. Leave your mark on that school. Now is the best time to make mistakes so make stupid decisions. Go to prom. Go to a sporting event you’ve never been to but always wanted to. Participate in all the senior events and spirit weeks, you only get to once.
Cherish the lasts. There are going to be a lot of them.
Spend as much time as you can with your friends. Go to IHOP at 2 in the morning after staying up all night with your best friends talking about how crazy life is, reminiscing on other nights like the one you’re having.
Tell everyone how much you appreciate them, even if you think they know.
When graduation day comes take all the pictures you can, with everyone. Don’t be embarrassed as your family and friends scream when your name is called.
Throw your cap in the air proud because you earned it. This is only the beginning, as much as it is an end.