To the High School Senior who has no plan for after High School, you're perfectly fine I promise. Honestly, unless you have had one dream since you were 5 years old you don't know what you want to do until you get to college. You just got back from break and all of your friends seem to have all of their life plans figured out but you don't know what you'll be doing tomorrow, that is just fine. Your senior year is the best year because you're almost done with High School, however, it's also an important year for many reasons. The first being academics of course as well have enjoying time with friends that you won't see much when you're in college. Enjoy those football and basketball games as well as prom and live out your graduation, worry about all the college facts later. Take time to relax and enjoy the life that you're living, you have time to figure out the rest of your life later.
When you get to college get all of your GenEd classes out of the way those are the ones you won't be interested in later down the road. After that if you're sill not sure what you want to major in take classes that sound fun to you step outside of the box. There are so many classes and different opportunities given to you on campus everyday you'll find a place to fit in when you get there. Until then just live out the rest of your time in High School and enjoy it. Don't believe people when they say you have to know before you start college. I am a College student right now and my senior year of High School I had my college, roommate and major picked out. A week before graduation I changed my college and decided to live at home and just commute. I have always known I wanted to major in Mass Communication and Journalism with my goal being an ESPN reporter, however, I'm a Junior and I just decided I no longer want to be a news reporter I want to be behind the camera. My goal is still to work my way up to ESPN but just not the way I planned since I was a freshman in High School. The point is, even if everyone around you has figured it out their paths may change and yours may just be getting started. It's okay to get lost in areas that may not be your major or be more interested in something you never thought you'd like. You don't have to have life figured out just yet.
You're still on the right track even if you have no plan yet. As of right now your plan is to get that High School Diploma and be the best you that you can be. You grow and learn new things everyday and some of the best things in life come to us when we're least expecting them. So have dreams, set your goals and strive to be the best you that you can be. Remember that if you mess up or something goes wrong along the way it is okay, nothing is set in stone. Enjoy your last few months of your senior year and don't get stressed over what is to come. You will have enough time to plan out your life in the years to come. A life plan is like a movie, it doesn't come over night it takes months of drafting, do overs and talking to the right people to get it on the big screen. Trust in God and know that his plan for your life will be worth it in the long run. Don't panic or give up just put all of your trust in the man up stairs.