You walk into the front doors after Christmas break and everyone is a little sluggish and complaining about coming back to school. This is exactly how all of my friends and I were. It's already January and you have a few months left of high school. You may not think much about it now or you may think a lot about it, but however you feel, make the last months count.
One major thing I learned in high school is that although your grades are important, don't sacrifice an experience for your grades. Go to your friend's house after school, go to the basketball game, and go to Taco Bell after. I promise that getting a 11/15 on your Spanish quiz the next day is not the end of the world. After high school, your GPA is never talked about again so don't let one number keep you from having a fun social life.
Friends. You may think that this semester is going to be sad since you and all your friends will go your own ways to college or jobs but for me, it actually showed me who my true friends were. You will still talk to your close friends while you are all away but you will also make some new friends once you're out of high school who are pretty great too. Also, don't be afraid to make new friends this late in your high school career. Some of my closest friends that I have today I didn't even really become friends with until my senior year. At the end of the day, don't worry about everyone leaving each other because your true friends will always be right there for you.
Your teachers have prepared you for graduation all throughout the years you've been in school, so don't you think they deserve something? Thank your teachers and staff at your school. They believe in you and are there to help you succeed in whatever you want to do in life. Please don't forget all the long hours they put in just in hope that you will reach your dreams one day.
Lastly, remember and cherish the little things. Just small things like making spirit week cheer signs, sitting in study hall with your friends giggling, getting excited for KFC bowl day, and feeling excited for a football Friday night are all things I wish I could experience and feel again just for a second. I know it might sound cliche, but you won't realize how much you miss it until you walk out of those doors as a student one last time.