As I enter my first year of college I can't help but to reflect on my high school days. High school, for me, was years filled with challenging classes, multiple clubs and student council, and many social events with friends. I was the type of kid who cried if she didn't get an A or a homecoming date. I thought it was the end of the world if everything wasn't perfect. A lot of us put expectations on ourselves that are sometimes impossible to meet. These are just some things I realized post-graduation.
Dear high school self,
It's okay to have a B. Yes, it's good to push yourself academically, but physics just wasn't your thing. Not to mention, colleges hardly look at your high school grades anyway. They don't matter as much as you think they do. As long as you keep your overall GPA up, you'll be fine. Just keep excelling in other subjects that you actually enjoy and focus more on the learning. Worrying too much will cost us wrinkles in the future.
Not every boy has to like you. You and I (me and myself) both know that you're a catch. If some boy isn't paying attention to you, don't let it get you down. Stop stressing out about being asked to prom. You will get asked! But you could've always formed a stag group with friends if all else failed.
The ACT isn't everything. You do not need to take the ACT four times. I repeat, do not take it four times! You will get the same score every time and make yourself sick over it. Your score is perfect, I promise. You will do just fine getting into the college you want. The ACT doesn't test your knowledge, it simply tests how well of a test-taker you are. Once you're in college, nobody is going to care. So stop freaking taking it!
Be tardy here and there. I know you care about what your teacher thinks of you, but if your friends want to stay out longer for lunch, stay with them. The memories will be worth being on your teacher's bad side for a day, they'll forget by tomorrow anyway. Being the friend that people want to take to lunch will come in handy when you no longer have a car (thanks, boy-who-hit-my-car).
Take a chance on something new. When you entered high school you thought you knew what you wanted to do. Passions are found in funny ways. You'll be so thankful that you took that business class and joined DECA. It will open so many doors in your life. High school is the perfect time to try new things.
Don't change for those around you. Be yourself even if it means losing a friend. You'll notice that the friends you knew in middle school are changing, and you may not like it. If you have to branch off, then so be it. You'll find life-long friends this way. Friends who like you for you.
You won't regret being too involved. As senior year rolls around you may get senioritis and wish that you had never taken on the roll as senior class president. Leave that attitude behind because it was so worth it. Getting to speak at graduation may have been stressful but it's an opportunity a lot of people don't get. When you look back on your high school years you're going to be glad you attended every game, dance, and assembly. Nobody remembers the times they sat at home.
Appreciate being in high school. Every day you thought "college couldn't come fast enough." Well guess what honey, it did! High school flew by before you knew it. Enjoy the time while you're there because soon it will be over. When you're a sophomore you'll want to be a senior but I promise you, the back of that student section is where you will have some of the most laughs. Don't wish it away.