Going off to college, various amounts of new things are constantly being thrown into your busy life. Between meeting new people, joining new organizations, and being forced to grow up way more quickly than you ever thought possible, it's so hard to keep up with people and remember that there is life outside of your schoolwork. You'll meet new people and you'll go new places and you'll find new favorite restaurants, but these things and these people will never quite measure up to the people who have known you since you were learning how to write.
The friends you make in college are the people you invite to your wedding and make tons of new memories with. These friends will last a lifetime. But so will your high school people, so remember that. Your high school people know that on Milkshake Friday you order a small Oreo shake and if the size was any larger, that meant you had a very hellish week. Your high school people know your favorite spot in town and know where to find you when you feel heartbroken or sad. They also know just what to bring you when you do.
Your high school people remember the first day of first grade when you became best friends (partially because your moms made you). They remember playing with you on the playground and the youthful moments that will never fade from their memories, no matter how many new ones you have made together. Your high school people were at your side crying with you when your grandmother passed away, or cheering with you when you found out that you got a part in the musical or a spot on the sports team.
Your high school people know why you cried that night after the football game, or why you were so happy to get that college acceptance letter as you anticipated by the mailbox for weeks. They know that when your mom says no, she can always be persuaded with their help. Your high school people know the same feeling you get when you come home from college, because they know your town and they know the feeling of blaring T-Swift with the windows down when it's sunny and 75.
Your high school people will be the ones, if not in your wedding, sitting in the audience saying, "I knew it would be him, he's perfect for her" and they could tell you every reason why, too. Your high school people are the ones who will be featured multiple times in the crazy stories you tell you children and grandchildren. They will be the only people to understand why you stole a Santa Claus garden gnome out of a neighborhood yard, and the only ones to remember the nights that you forgot about.
Anyone you meet in life could change your life forever; so be careful. Be intentional. Cherish time. Love big. Appreciate all of your friends, and all of your people. Life only brings gold around every once in a while, and if you're lucky enough, you might get stuck with it forever.