It's my last few days at home; the last few days before I move on to college and this whole new chapter. And, as I've been going through my room and treasuring the last 'lasts' with my parents, I can't help but feel like my childhood is over. Although I haven't been considered a 'child' in quite some time, there's something about this move that makes everything nostalgic. And, as I look back on my childhood, I can't forget High School Musical.
Maybe you're like me and heading to your freshman year of college, or maybe you're just returning to college or beginning that BIG Senior Year everyone has told you about forever; whatever new year you are about to embark on here are seven HSM songs to head into the new school year with.
1. "Right Here, Right now"
As you look forward to this brand-new year in front of you, there may be a lot of uncertainties and a lot of fears as time seems to be zooming past you. For me, it felt as if July never happened and all of a sudden, I'm looking at this whole big uncertain experience in front of me, and like Troy and Gabriella I'm holding on to the "Right here, right now." It's important in these last few moments to stay present at the moment and not get too worried about the future or spend too much time longing for the past. Spend this invaluable time with friends and living in the moment. As the OTP sings, "Tomorrow can wait/ for some other day to be/ but right now there's you and me."
2. "Bet On It"
I'm not sure any of us are at the point of going to a golf course and singing at the top of our lungs. But this song is a bop and a great reminder as you head into this next year. It's a reminder that you are stronger than you think, and to never lose yourself in other people's perception of you. You may have made mistakes in the past and lost sight of who you want to be, but this a is a fresh start. Be yourself and be the "type of guy who means what (they) say" because as Troy reminds us: "it's no good at all/ to see yourself/ and not recognize your face."
This school year, bet on yourself.
3. "Gotta Go My Own Way"
You may be wondering how this heartbreaking song that turned your 10-year-old self into a truly distraught individual could possibly be a song for the new school year—but it's important to remember as you head into this new season that there are a lot of goodbyes and grief to be had. Maybe it's a tough goodbye from your tight high school group of friends or having to realize that you are leaving your parents behind, but we must come to terms with the fact that we gotta go our own way. You don't wanna be that person who is still hanging around your high school three years later. Sometimes you have to say "I've got to move on and be who I am."
As you begin this new season, know that it's OK to be sad and to grieve what you're losing while holding on to the idea that you are going to grow and push through this hard time. It's hard and there are tears to be shed, but never forget that "You'll be OK."
4. "We're All in This Together"
High School may not have been the best time for everyone, and definitely was not like High School Musical, but still, the relationships you made are important to hold on to. As I've been learning about my own college, it's been amazing to see where my friends are going and get excited for everyone. It's been an important summer of planning future road trips and deciding when we're all going to come home. You can never change who you graduated with, and it's important to remember all that you guys faced "together, together, everyone!"
From Target shopping excursions to staying up late to watch shows to late night cuddles, these last few moments with your parents are truly precious. It's important to remember that without our parents we wouldn't be where we are. They are the ones that woke us up for school and dealt with our morning attitudes, the ones that went to all our games and plays when we maybe only had one line or played for the last two minutes, and the ones that paid for school our whole lives. As you load up the car and head off to college, remember who has been "there for each other every time" and by your side all along, and that you truly are "all in this together."
5. "Scream"
I don't know about everyone, but with all the excitement of the new school year, there is also a lot of stress. There's trying to decide what you want your major to be and choosing if you want to do something that will probably make you lots of money one day or studying what you're passionate about. There are people all around you that have opinions and their own helpful ideas about your life, and there are so many clubs and activities and options out there that it can all be overwhelming. There's the sadness of leaving home and realizing "the day the door is closed/ the echoes fill your soul."
All of a sudden, there's so many choices to make and decisions that are solely your responsibility, and sometimes it gets to the stress level of Troy Bolton and you just want to scream. And that's OK. Let it rip.
6. "The Start Of Something New"
Despite all the stress and fears and unknown, there's also so much excitement! Someone told me before I started my senior year of high school that the next two years of my life were going to be the best two years of my life. And it's so true. This is the most exciting time in your life where adulthood is right there, but you also get to have fun and enjoy the unknown. It is scary realizing that "anything can happen/ when you take a chance," but it's the start of something new and a brand-new chapter and season of your life. And there is something about that that truly does feel so right.
7. "Everyday"
One thing that's really been hitting me hard is how fast time passes. The older you get the more it just seems to fly right by you. Most of the time you don't realize when something you're doing is the last time you'll get to do it, and it's so easy to just want to go back and have your mom tuck you in one last time or get one more toy with your fast food meal. But, one thing I'm trying to grasp onto as I head into this next year is holding onto "every day of our lives" because there's "no second chance."
So, look around you and treasure these last days, and hug the ones you love the most, say thank you, say I love you and remember it's OK to cry and it's OK to be sad and upset and confused — it's all part of the journey and a part of who we are. Just take every day as it comes.