The first time you came home crying because some boy was mean to you, you briefly wanted to change schools. You didn't want to go to this high school anymore because of that damned boy.
You're parents probably told you no, which probably caused you to cry harder, which prompted them to tell you how much you'll miss it when you're done.
You probably rolled your eyes. I know I did.
The thing is, you don't think you will. Whether you're academic, musical, dramatic, a leader, artistic, athletic, or somewhere in between all of those, you don't think about all of the things you'll leave behind.
You don't think about the extra time you'll have between college classes or jobs when you're gone. You don't think about all of the people you'll sort of miss, even if you didn't really like them too much. You don't think about the teachers, the principals, or the coaches that you won't see on an almost daily basis anymore.
You only think about how bright your future is-- there is no room to think about too much else right now.
You endure and experience a lot of things for the first time in high school. It doesn't matter what firsts they are, they are still firsts, and you won't get another shot at them after this. This is it.
You don't get to push rewind, to restart the game, or to get another chance. You are in this moment right now and this is your life. This is your chance.
Enjoy it while you can.
Because before you know it, your future is here and you're living it. You have bills and responsibilities and so much more that you'll probably never be ready for.
Being an adult means so much more than doing whatever you want. All of those great ideas you have right now like: living with your boyfriend, staying out all night,
College is so much fun. Being an adult is fun. But it's all nothing compared to the carefree life of a high school student.
So forget the boy. Forget the heartache. Forget the one bad grade, game, art piece, or whatever it is that has you down. Live right now and enjoy every single second of it.