Ah, Junior year. With all the new freedoms (hello, driver's license) and all the stress (wait, I have to apply to college?), it sure is a pivotal year in a young person's life. If you're anything like me, this year has been freaking you out, and a much-needed spring break has finally given you some time to breathe. While I'm on my last day of break — and as I reflect on the past semester and a half — I've taken the liberty of compiling a list of thoughts I've found to be a commonality for the students in my grade. Hopefully, it can give us all a much-needed laugh (and momentary break from the stress).
1. Who let these babies into my school? It seems like only yesterday you were the new freshmen wandering the halls. Is it just you, or are they getting smaller each year?
2. Can I just graduate already? Every other level of schooling you’ve gone through has consisted of clumps of three years; why should high school be any different? You’re ready to move on to new and better things.
3. Wait, you mean I actually have to start applying to colleges and figuring out what I want to do with my life? Hahaha, nope, no thank you, I can’t even decide what pair of shoes I want to wear, let alone what I want to do with my life.
4. Prom is so stupid. Who cares about a stupid dance? I mean, come on, who really wants to go out and rent a tux, or buy a pretty dress, new makeup, super cute heels and stunning jewelry, and — OK, maybe prom isn't so bad. You'll never admit you actually want to go or anything.
5. WHAT EVEN IS MY GPA?!?! Suddenly your 3.6 means nothing. I’VE GOT A STATE SCHOOL TO APPLY TO PEOPLE!
6. Relationships are dumb and high school boys suck! *Opens Instagram and scrolls past images of couples.*
7. You know you'll miss your parents when you go off to college, but right now you just really want to get them off your back.
8. Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. In the words of Lorelei Gilmore, "Just give it to me in an IV."
9. Oh, I haven’t felt stressed in a few days. *Stress peers around the corner.*
10. Wait, I still have another year left? With all the stress and activity that occurs during your junior year, it’s so easy to forget that you still have another year of public school left. On top of that, the idea of all of your upperclassmen friends graduating makes you want to cry.
Here's to hoping we can make it through these last two months!