I remember hearing how high school was supposed to be the best time of my life. High school in my perspective was not the happiest I'd ever been. I don't know if I necessarily believe in a "best time" in life. Each stage brings pros and cons and different levels of happiness. You learn a lot at different stages of life and each stage prepares you for the next. However, I would like to argue that college is a blissful time and is MUCH better than high school in a million different ways. However, I do always like to believe that the best is yet to come. As we get older yes, our bodies may age and it may not be appropriate to do certain things anymore, but I think as we get older we have more memories, more friends/closer relationships and have more life experience, which makes life more enjoyable.
Yes, high school was a time of homecomings, football games, and less responsibility. However, college is a time of choice and freedom. The maturity level — for the most part — is also a huge step up from what it was in high school. Girls aren't as cliquey, dramatic, or attention seeking. Although of course there are always exceptions to this rule. Boys aren't throwing food at each other in the cafeteria. Everyone has a bit more life experience and are able to put behind superficial things.
People are paying a ton of money for college and therefore the class experience is a lot more enjoyable. People are engaged, participate in discussions, and show up to class. People aren't distracting others from learning. People are passionate and interested in the course material — for the most part of course. This is refreshing from the public high school experience. In high school, the material was dumbed down, movies and games were played to pass time, and lots of kids could care less about anything being taught.
In college, I have found people to be more down to earth and friendly. There is way less drama than there was in high school. People genuinely care about their schoolwork and are all working to be better people in all aspects of their life. It's a time of figuring out what you like, what you don't, and what works for you. This goes with athletics, love life, and school work.
If you are a social, extroverted person you will enjoy college for the same reasons as me. In college you are around young people all the time, you get to live with your friends, there are more social opportunities and you get to make your own choices and mistakes. These things I never got in high school and I'm definitely loving that I have it now.
College is a very exciting, fun time. I think something that makes college years so unique is that you always have the feeling that anything is possible. You have that wonderful feeling of mystery and possibility.
College is much better than high school times a million, but I have a feeling it only gets better.