High school. A time that everyone feels differently about. Whether you love it, hate it, or are tired of it, try to enjoy every second of it. I think about my years in high school a lot and how I wish I noticed how great it was. No one really realizes how amazing it is until their final moments of senior year and when it is too late.
Those 4 years of my life basically made me who I am today. You really learn everything about yourself and others during that time. When it came to friendships, love, emotions, physical changes, mental changes, you begin to grow into the mature adult that you will eventually be. I went through a lot of friendships in high school and it taught me about what I deserve and who I love and appreciate. Once you leave high school, the real friends of yours will be the ones that stick around and check up on you.
High school also will give you a lot of your firsts. A first group of friends, a first love, first heart break, first car, first credit card, first party, and so much more. It is a time that goes by so fast you don't even realize all of these things until you graduated and have moved on in life.
My little brother is in high school now and he tells me all the time how he hates it because, well, its school and not many people are so fond of school. I laugh with him because I too once felt that way, but I also try to tell him every day to enjoy it to the best he can. Go out late, hangout with friends, stay past curfew one night and break some rules, do well in school, get a bad grade, get an amazing grade, because it is the time where you simply are just figuring everything out.
10th grade was one of the best years of my life. I made my real and best friends and I experienced so much. I love college and nothing will compare to these years as well, but they are very different experiences. High school is where you do it all first, so do everything you can with the people you love because it goes by way too fast. I still keep in touch with my friends, but it is very different. You meet new people in college and want to do more things on your own, so keeping contact with people can feel tough at some times.
Make those 4 years the best ever. Appreciate the difficult times, the fun times, the hard times, the sad times and everything in between. You want to look back with no regrets and a feeling of happiness. Life is short, enjoy every minute of it before you can't anymore.