They said, after high school, we would grow apart and make new friends and forget the old.
We sure proved them wrong.
Without you three, I know I wouldn't be where I am today because Brittany, you're the one I text when I don't know if the decisions I've been making are right. You advise me, coddle me and tell me you're psychic and you know everything will work out fine. You are the person I cried in the arms of when my grandmother passed away, and you are the person who held my hand at her funeral.
Alyssa, you're the one I text when I'm feeling down. You tell me your worries, and I tell you mine. When it's a slow weekend, you visit me, and we eat not just some junk food, but all of the junk food and watch movies until we fall asleep. You are the person who laughs at everything I say, even when it doesn't make sense. You are the person who cries when I cry just because you hurt when I'm feeling sad.
Now Abbi, you are the person who fits us all together like the true friendship puzzle we are. You keep us laughing and happy, even through the tough shit. You crack jokes and say the most inappropriate things, but you have the purest heart of anyone I know. You will always be the person I take shots with and dance to Justin Bieber with. I can't wait to see what that is like when we're 90. Don't forget to hold my hair back.
Four years ago ,it was easy; we saw each other every day and hung out most weekends. Now, we've moved apart and are conquering new obstacles, and even though we aren't physically by one another's sides, I know you three are always standing beside me. Or, if we all happen to be together, you're sitting beside me on the floor, laughing your asses off because I'm hilarious.
Now, I don't mean to freak you all out, but the next few years are crucial. We'll be getting married, having children and soon we'll be living the glorified "mom" life. The person young girls seek out at Valleyfair in order to have a good photo taken in front of the Snoopy and Woodstock entrance. With all of us together, though, the carpool life will be a blast.
To keep it simple, I love you three with all of my heart, and I want to thank you for every reassuring text, funny Snapchat and warm hug. I thank you for every four-hour drive you have endured to visit me since my family moved away. I thank you for every Justin Bieber dance party, every shopping trip, every scary movie watched together.
I thank you for holding my hand every single day through life because that is what you have all done.
I better be in all of your weddings, bitches.