When you have friends that have lasted over the years, you grow up together and create so many memories that can last a lifetime. I have learned from being graduated from high school for the past few years the importance of friendships that have endured over periods of time. No matter how much time has passed since we've last spoke or seen each other, I know that I can text or call them to ask for advice, to vent, or to quickly catch up. That's the thing about friendships that span time—you understand that no matter the distance or age, you all value the friendship. That's the difference between the friendly passing of someone you see in a grocery store and bumping into a friend you haven't seen in a while and talking for a long time.
My friend group from high school is smaller now, but the friendships I have are more meaningful and have grown throughout the years. We're growing up in our careers, schooling, and maybe changing our locations too, but we still find the importance of our friendships. In high school, you spend practically every day with your friends, and that is the challenge we face now being removed from the bubble of high school. You probably aren't going to see or hear from your best friend every day of your life, and it can be easy to fall into the pattern of the mundane and put friendships on the backburner. The bonds that last are when you make that contact, whether it be a phone call or text letting them know you're thinking of them. It can be as easy as sending them a funny meme that reminded you of them or asking them how their family is doing. Friendship, no matter what your age, is about the little things.
I can't help but thank my friends I still have from when we were all living life a little more simply.
It is always so valuable to have people who have seen how much you have grown and will support you as you achieve your dreams and goals. They are the people I can always fall back on when I've had a bad day or need some cheerleaders after an achievement. My friendships mean so much to me because I know I always have those people who will love me for who I am, and I will do the same for them. No matter if we live minutes or hours apart, please know how much I value you and our friendship. You are continually pushing me to be a better person, and I can't wait to see where our friendships will go from here.
My advice, whether you are still a high school student or have already graduated, make an effort in friendships that mean something to you. I mean if the other person isn't giving anything meaningful to you and it isn't a healthy relationship, then it is okay to end the high school friendship. It can be so easy in this world that we can forget about each other or just get caught up in the fast pace of life, but making an effort and a little work toward valuable friendships makes a world of difference. Having friendships that survive high school drama and so much change are the friends that can mean the most to people. They are the types of friends you can spend time with reflecting on the "good old days" and laugh at your decisions. Thank you for these past several years of friendship, and I always look forward to catching up on life when we can because those moments mean so much to me.