It is tiresome hearing since middle school how we are being prepared for college. High school is nothing like college and I think the transition is only difficult because we were told for so long "they were preparing us." I love college especially the classes. I love that professors treat us with respect and send a message we are capable of having deep serious conversations about difficult and controversial topics.
1. Note taking
You actually have to read and take notes from textbooks. No matter how tech savvy your high school is you will have textbooks
2. How to study
You go to class on average 3 hours a day and do 5-9 hours of independent learning, reading and studying. If you haven’t learned how to study in high school trust me you will figure it out in college. Often there are no review sheets or a practice test; the studying is totally up to you.
3. Doing the readings
The independent readings are actually on the test even if it is not covered in class. Tests are HARD.
4. Being in charge of yourself
You can go to the bathroom whenever your bladder tells you it is time to go, I forget that we still don’t have to raise our hands and ask to use the bathroom uncomfortably.
5. How to feed yourself
Food isn’t provided. Bring back cooking class – home and careers – so college students don't have to live on Ramen. No home cooked meals, who knew we were so lucky to have mom’s meatloaf every Monday night.
6. How to not care
You can look ugly and people don’t care. You shouldn't either
7. Dress code
They think you are mature enough to take college-level physics and calculus but don't trust you know what to wear. If someone is distracted by what someone wears then isn't that their problem not the stylish male or female.
8. Time management
For many of us this is the first time living on our own. We have to learn to manage our social lives and school. You don’t see your friends for 7 hours of the day like high school so you have to make plans, yet still have time to study, finish your work, study, eat, shower, etc. I thought taking 3 hours of class would mean I have more me-time, boy was I wrong. Days are packed.
9. How to deal with FOMO
There’s a party every night, get rid of FOMO. When there was a party in high school, you HAD to go cause you would be lucky if there was another one in the next month. Get rid of your fear of missing out cause you are not going to be able to go to every single party.
10. How to walk everywhere
Forget a ride to school; depending on where you go to college you may be walking EVERYWHERE. From class to get lunch to the gym to class to the library to dinner to the library to home. There is a LOT of walking.