The demands of college make every college student miss the easy days of high school. It was a simpler time filled with free time and fun. Most of us were so ready to be out on our own and be the adult we thought we could be. Bur we were so naive in our thinking, and we didn't understand how much responsibility we would have as we embarked on the journey of adulthood. Although college has more life opportunities to experience, high-school will always be missed. Most people say college is the best time of your life, but here are 5 reasons why high school takes the cake:
1. Free Food
When you live under your parents roof, they provide everything you need like precious, precious food. You don’t have to pinch pennies every week to make sure you have enough money for food, gas, or any extra things you need to sustain yourself. There’s an abundance of food in the pantry and fridge and you’re able to access it anytime you want. You don’t have to wait to eat at specific times during the day, like waiting for the cafeteria to open.
2. Less Stress
The overload of classwork, papers, tests, and projects in college is more overwhelming than a high schooler can fathom. Remembering back to those days of a few 2-page papers throughout the year, 20 question multiple choice tests, and constant homework, I miss how much less stress I was under. Even though I thought I was dying at the time with everything I had to do. You don’t get as much homework in college, so you don’t really get much feedback on how you’re learning course material, and a lot of college students find that frustrating.
3. More Time to Socialize
Since you’re not as loaded down with responsibilities in school or at home, high school is the perfect time to have a large group of friends and build a fun social circle. The fewer things you have to worry about, the more you can enjoy living life.
4. Fewer Responsibilities
When in high school, you have a carefree attitude instead of being completely responsible for yourself. Your parents are still there to take care of you every step of the way. Most people don’t have to worry about making money, paying a car payment, and paying tuition to stay in school. But once you hit college, sometimes that’s all you worry about so you can get that degree.
5. More Time for Sports
When high school gets stressful, you need a way to relieve the stress and just have fun. Joining a sports team (or multiple) can help you make more friends, stay healthy, and even be a way to get scholarships for college. But once you’re playing sports in college, it can become all-consuming, taking up a lot of your time and draining your energy. Six AM workouts, more competitiveness to beat the rivals, and away games (which take away time in class and for studying) can easily make it hard on a collegiate athlete who still wants to do well in school.
There’s nothing like coming home to your parents when you’ve had a rough day just to vent or dig through the fridge to see what goodies you can scrounge up. Savoring the moments you have in high school can help you appreciate living under your parent’s roof even more.