First off, let me openly apologize. For everything that I've put you through; for all the "break-ups" and "make-ups" that we've collectively gone through; and for all the times I legitimately put you through hell. I truly don't understand why you stuck around, but I am truly grateful for you.
Thank you for being my person in school.
You see, with all the constant drama that was happening in our small town high school, we were always afraid that no one had our backs. We had this pact, a pact that no matter what happened, we would always stick together. We would always stick up for one another, and never let someone bad-talk the other. For those of you who don't understand, my group of friends in high school was so catty towards one another, that it often time seemed like sink-or-swim. As dramatic as that may sound, the only reason I made it through without going absolutely insane, was because of you. Thank you for being my rock.
Thank you for understanding when to back off.
Friends fight. Plain and simple. When we got into arguments, I needed time to cool off, and you eventually understood that. You understood me, and how hot-headed and frustrated I would become. So thank you for ultimately letting me come back around, I really don't think I've ever met a friend who has understood me on that level and just let me be.
Thank you for putting up with me.
Unfortunately, I am not proud to say, we have been through some nasty "break-ups," and some of the things that I have said to you have not been the nicest. There were times where I was manipulated into thinking things that weren't true. In the relationship that I was in at the time, I was told to believe that you were coming between us, and I unfortunately, believed it. Although you didn't understand at the time being, the conversations that we've had more recently, you have opened up into telling me that you understand, and of course forgave me.
Thank you for being my silent cheerleader.
Although we were on outs, I always knew that you were keeping an eye on me to make sure that everything was okay. Thank you for the text messages checking in on me, whether or not I responded to them was one thing, but the fact that you never, EVER gave up on me, meant something. I always knew, while at the time it drove me nuts, that you weren't going anywhere.
Thank you for always being there.
If there were a time where I needed someone to talk to, and we hadn't spoken in years, I know that I could reach out to you. I know that while I may not want to talk to you, you would listen. You're so kind-hearted, and I can't imagine where I would be in my life if you weren't ultimately in it.
I am truly sorry for everything that I have put you through, all of the stupid fights, and endless arguments were for nothing because here we are. I want you to know how much I truly love and appreciate you as a person, and as my friend. I can't put into words how much your constant love and respect over the years means to me. While I wish I could've been there for you more, I know that this friendship is one for the books, because it's not ending anytime soon.
Nicole, I am truly grateful for you, and I will never be done thanking and apologizing to you for everything that we've been through. You will always hold a special place in my heart. All of our memories will never fade. From when we would watch Bridesmaids on repeat at your house, or when we camped out in your front yard; and came inside by midnight because of a thunder storm. To you coming out with your son to spend the day with me when I just need some company. You are truly a blessing, and I really hope this means as much to you as it did to me.
Thank you, Nicole.