I guess reality and expectations will never go hand-in-hand. In reality, expectations seem like this magical unicorn you imagine people to have. Obviously, we shouldn't rely on other people for our happiness, but that is a challenge. Not having other humans to put a smile on my face would be hard because I can only make myself happy for so long. That goes to show where my expectations for people come from.
I've literally hurt myself countless times due to high expectations. I try to remember every day that everyone isn't like me and they won't necessarily give me the same percentage I give them all the time. Sometimes I wish people would at least try to meet the expectations of those who care for them. It would take no time whatsoever to meet someone's expectations. It's always the small things people tend to forget to do that ruin expectations.
Yeah, people have complained that they'll never meet my expectations, but, in a weird way, I've never met my own expectations. For example, I could literally make an A on a test I studied so hard for but if it's not a 100 percent, then I won't be happy. I could get a 100 percent and still not meet my expectations because for some odd reason, I'll still be mad that I didn't study to the best of my ability. Because I know what I am capable of and also what others are capable of, my expectations are further heightened.
People tend to think I get attached to others too easily, but really, it's just my expectations. I go into every situation unintentionally thinking that something good will come out of it. I've tried my best to lower my expectations or at least go in with a different mindset, but without even knowing it, my expectations were rising over time. Some may say having high expectations is a positive way to look at situations or is at least a good thing because I see the good in people who probably aren't at all.
If you know how to permanently lower expectations, please inform me so my let-downs won't be so devastating. High expectations are a pain in the rear end because happiness is not a sum of a bunch of expectations—just basic reality.